Should Schools Start Later?

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Were you aware that teens tend to have irregular sleeping patterns that can harm their body and the way it functions? When it comes to sleep, teens are inclined to stay up very late during the week and wake up very early in the morning. On the weekends, they seem to gravitate more towards waking up very late to catch up on the sleep that they missed earlier in the week. Now that you know what the causes of having irregular sleeping patterns can do to a teenager’s body, you will be able to see the positive and negative effects of what not having enough sleep can do to one’s self. These facts will be explored through the articles “Should Schools Start Later” by Justin O’Neill and “Why Schools Should Start Later in the Morning” by Emily Richmond. …show more content…

Some people say that school times should not start later in the morning because there would be less time to complete other activities that they enjoy doing. One source says, “Starting school later means dismissing school later, which leaves fewer daylight hours for after-school activities” (O’Neill 21). This indicates that some believe that starting school later would be an unbeneficial sacrifice to take, just because they do not want to miss out on their favored extra-curricular activities. Another incorrect reason why people are convinced that schools should not begin later is because school districts would have to pay for more bus drivers, and they do not want to have to pay for these unnecessary expenses. O’Neill writes, “Later start times would mean some districts’ might have to invest in additional buses and drivers, which can be expensive” (O’Neill 21). This demonstrates that many school districts would rather keep the same start times for school than have to pay more for bus drivers. One final reason why people falsely believe that schools should not start later in the morning is because it helps teens learn life skills that they can put into use later in their existence. An excerpt from an article reads, “Being on time, managing a busy schedule, and getting enough sleep are important skills teens will need when they enter the workforce” (O’Neill 21). This quote reassures the fact that some people believe that learning important life skills is more relevant than getting enough sleep, even though a lack of sleep can cause teens to get unnecessary illnesses. Despite the fact that some people say that keeping school start times early in the morning is more advantageous than pushing the start times later, they are erroneous for numerous

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