Self-reflection on Personal Leadership What is the actual meaning of a „paradigm” ? (,) one might ask. Well as the book “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” states, a paradigm is just another word for perception. But then, why not just use the word “perception”? I mean it’s easier not only to write but also to pronounce. Paradigms are special because those are the ways that YOU perceive something, it’s YOUR point of view and YOUR belief only. For example, you might be convinced that you don’t have what it takes to be a leader in a school project, but you have to remember that a long time ago, people were sure (actually convinced) that our planet, Planet Earth, was the center of the Universe, thus, a misconception. I have also encountered this …show more content…
Each and every one of them have their own meaning. The one that represents me the most would be the Paradigm of Life. Most of the time I would find myself Self-Centered, which (. This) means that I see (think of) myself as the only one that matters, that the Universe revolves around me. I would often crush others in order (for me) to achieve my goal without even thinking about the consequences. For example, I really enjoy playing video games, so back in Romania, I would often talk my ex-girlfriend into doing my homework for me, while I was playing video games without her knowing it. This “strategy” led us to eventually breaking up. I felt really bad but the damage was already …show more content…
The only problem was that there wasn’t (that) much of a teamwork. Because it was the first time we have ever done this, it was difficult for us to discover what we are supposed (actually have) to do and what is expected of us. After we were divided in two groups and the indications were given, there was a “fight” (in our group) because many of us wanted to take part in the (in the) marketing department, because it seemed (to be) the easiest one, right? WRONG! The marketing department was the hardest and I was in it. We had to come up with a plan that would BURST OUT the selling for “Smootjies”. The plan had to include what we want to do, where we want it to be done, who are we actually targeting, how much should we charge our clients etc. while the other departments didn’t seem to have that much work to do. And so, we started by sharing ideas, approaching them, balancing them (pros/cons) and making them happen, thereby (thus) starting being proactive. Everyone took responsibility for the whole project. We treated this “game” as an actual task, as if it (this) was our company and we HAD not only to keep it above the floating line, but actually aim for the sky line. This attitude won us the second place, receiving the reward of honor. We were determined and we took the whole thing in our
However, despite of the fact that being a communicable in a group is one of the challenge for me, I have enjoyed all of team activities. This is because throughout the Biz cafe simulation, my team and I put our coffee store “JAV-AH” as a leadership team in the market by our best efforts. To increase our productivities, all of us have enjoyed sharing opinions to be aware of business essentials and researching how they are important in the business. Without doubt, I can definitely explain that we have been able to make a decision confidently. Therefore, I will describe that while the Biz café simulation provided me a useful and helpful opportunities to increase knowledge of business essential tools, I have also motivated how group performance is significant to reach business
Paradigm was coined by KUHN (1970). A paradigm is a world view, a general perspective on the complexities of the real world.
Team Process is defined as the team members’ behaviors and interactions, occurring over time. It is through this process that all of the members’ expertise and knowledge, along with other inputs, functioning in the group environment, manufacture an output. MGI’s team process seems ineffective, resulting a lot of conflicts among the subgroups of the MGI team and inability to complete the business plan. At the “launch” of the team in Mellon Hall on HBS campus, it was clear that the team did not have any specific role for each of the team members, nor was there a clear leadership arrangement. “..It seemed to me that Sasha saw our role a...
Correspondingly, I reflected on two distinct times that my leadership was disguised and not to the surface yet. During my high school days, I was the captain of the Track and Field Team. Also during this time I was a Peer Leader to the upcoming freshmen. As a peer leader I had duties such as assigning mentorees’ duties, giving out assignments, and making sure everyone understood what they were doing. Both times I was delegating and motivating my fellow teammates or mentorees’ to victory. Another time was the time I worked at Pearson Education in the summer of 2013. I was a Human Resources Intern and in charge of recruiting, interviewing, and training new employees. I did this process for the Spanish speaking employees and as well as the ones
As an officer in the United States Army, it has been imperative for me to understand every facet of leadership and why it remains important to be an effective leader. During this course, I have learned some valuable lessons about myself as a leader and how I can improve on my leadership ability in the future. The journal entries along with the understanding of available leadership theories have been an integral part of my learning during this course. For all of the journals and assessments that I completed, I feel it has given me a good understanding of my current leadership status and my future potential as a leader. All of the specific assessments looked at several areas in regards to leadership; these assessments covered several separate focus areas and identified my overall strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Over the course of this paper I will briefly discuss each one of these assessments and journal entries as they pertained to me and my leadership.
Some journeys take longer than others, some paths are shorter and seem relatively easy to achieve; others are treacherous and feel as though one might never reach the end. These analogies complement my self-leadership journey quite eloquently. It is quite cliché to say, “nothing in life worth having comes easy”; this motto helps me continue and proves to me that everything I have worked for is worth the effort. Nurses give relentlessly of themselves; add being a wife and mother, there might not be much left over for anything else. Yet, we find a way, how do we accomplish it all? In what areas can I improve and grow stronger? How do we grow from a seedling to a great baobab tree?
Leadership is an important aspect for every individual as it improves confidence, gives a better identity and enables better management of people. This paper deals with analysis of my leadership style and its effectiveness with relevant categories. This self - analysis paper will certainly help to plan things in a better way and also to identify weakness and convert them into strengths to utilize leadership in the best manner. The paper will also comprise of varied examples from my personal experiences to justify the points.
The organization needs to begin with bringing sales and artist teams together with weekly or daily meetings; this can create better unity among the separate divisions and begin creating better communication. The next step that will follow is the growing unity of the team leading to greater efficiency and a more positive work environment. This opportunity for greater team work and more unity will lead to bigger and better things among the whole organization including greater employee retention.
In my mind, a paradigm is how i choose to percept the world around me. I would be lying through my teeth if i said that I have never had a negative paradigm about myself. It’s a seemingly natural part of being a teenager. However, i think that it is the types of paradigms we hold in front of our eyes that make all of our viewpoints so unique and valuable. However, the majority of teens share certain paradigms like “Math is an asian thing” and “Football players aren’t good at academics”. I assume that this is how cliques separate in school, they can connect with each other through the paradigms they share. I really like how Sean Covey uses the analogy that “Paradigms are like glasses” and i could not agree with that more. Back when i used to wear glasses, i
Leadership is trait that is extremely important in any society. Leadership is known as the way people attempting to make a difference in a situation. However, I believe that it is better said to be a way of influencing others actions. Leadership is usually connected to a great leader that affected his or her followers in a dynamic way. Throughout the semester for my leadership class, I have expanded the knowledge in numerous ways. I now have fully understanding of the purpose and process of leadership to a society. Being a leader one must maintain an image of being the role model. I believe that this is leader should be who is someone who has the ability to influence, encourage, listen, and nurture. They are able to inspire, stimulate, persuade, shape, and have an effect on others.
According to Bryant (2016), “self-leadership is the process by which you influence yourself to achieve your objectives.” So how do you achieve this, you start with developing your leadership point of view. Developing my leadership point of view forced me to reflect on the leader models in my life. It also forced me to evaluate the key events and experiences from my past and determine how they have impacted me as a leader. This self-reflection process allowed me to discover who I am, what my values and beliefs are and what my true purpose is in life. Thus far, this process has made me more self-aware and self-awareness is key to self-motivation and motivating others.
Leadership is found not just at work but all around us. In any situation, leaders take a step forward and take charge of the situation. It can be at home, at work or at any other place. Leaders are never born, they become leaders because they have the credibility and people would love to follow them.
Some people were born to be great leaders and some were born to be great learners. I ask myself this question, “How was I created?” Was I born a leader or was I molded to lead. As I explain my philosophy on how I want to lead, I will first dive into my past to recognize and pin point my creator. October 27th 2004 I raise my right hand in order to serve and protect the United State against all enemies, foreign and domestic. At this moment in my young personal leadership journey, I get my first glimpse of a leadership style, “shut up and listen.”
I would to stay that my thinking has not changed; however, I was able to build upon the current knowledge of leadership that I currently withhold. As a result of the readings/videos, assignments, and discussions I was enlightened that situational factors can a strong effect on leadership. There are many great leaders in the world, however, each leader’s response and reaction to each situation may not be as great as others. Many characteristics come into play for leaders to be effective when dealing with simple to chaotic issues. The type of person you are reflects what type of leadership style you will apply in the workplace. I have learned that the more versatile your leadership/personality style is the more effective you are in leading your team or organization.
I am sentimental, out-going, indecisive, understanding, curious, naive, lazy, and young. I want to be ... , well a lot of things, and growing is discovering what they are. I feel people cannot see the potential within, although there is no one to blame but myself. I look to others for approval instead of to myself. I aim to please; it leads to approval. I don’t like to discuss my faults; I pity myself.