Self Reflection On Personal Leadership

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Self-reflection on Personal Leadership What is the actual meaning of a „paradigm” ? (,) one might ask. Well as the book “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” states, a paradigm is just another word for perception. But then, why not just use the word “perception”? I mean it’s easier not only to write but also to pronounce. Paradigms are special because those are the ways that YOU perceive something, it’s YOUR point of view and YOUR belief only. For example, you might be convinced that you don’t have what it takes to be a leader in a school project, but you have to remember that a long time ago, people were sure (actually convinced) that our planet, Planet Earth, was the center of the Universe, thus, a misconception. I have also encountered this …show more content…

Each and every one of them have their own meaning. The one that represents me the most would be the Paradigm of Life. Most of the time I would find myself Self-Centered, which (. This) means that I see (think of) myself as the only one that matters, that the Universe revolves around me. I would often crush others in order (for me) to achieve my goal without even thinking about the consequences. For example, I really enjoy playing video games, so back in Romania, I would often talk my ex-girlfriend into doing my homework for me, while I was playing video games without her knowing it. This “strategy” led us to eventually breaking up. I felt really bad but the damage was already …show more content…

The only problem was that there wasn’t (that) much of a teamwork. Because it was the first time we have ever done this, it was difficult for us to discover what we are supposed (actually have) to do and what is expected of us. After we were divided in two groups and the indications were given, there was a “fight” (in our group) because many of us wanted to take part in the (in the) marketing department, because it seemed (to be) the easiest one, right? WRONG! The marketing department was the hardest and I was in it. We had to come up with a plan that would BURST OUT the selling for “Smootjies”. The plan had to include what we want to do, where we want it to be done, who are we actually targeting, how much should we charge our clients etc. while the other departments didn’t seem to have that much work to do. And so, we started by sharing ideas, approaching them, balancing them (pros/cons) and making them happen, thereby (thus) starting being proactive. Everyone took responsibility for the whole project. We treated this “game” as an actual task, as if it (this) was our company and we HAD not only to keep it above the floating line, but actually aim for the sky line. This attitude won us the second place, receiving the reward of honor. We were determined and we took the whole thing in our

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