Self Leadership: A Journey Of A Journey To Self-Leadership

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Journey to Self-Leadership

Some journeys take longer than others, some paths are shorter and seem relatively easy to achieve; others are treacherous and feel as though one might never reach the end. These analogies complement my self-leadership journey quite eloquently. It is quite cliché to say, “nothing in life worth having comes easy”; this motto helps me continue and proves to me that everything I have worked for is worth the effort. Nurses give relentlessly of themselves; add being a wife and mother, there might not be much left over for anything else. Yet, we find a way, how do we accomplish it all? In what areas can I improve and grow stronger? How do we grow from a seedling to a great baobab tree? Self-care can be found at the bottom of the pyramid in our assigned text, many overlook the bottom and aim for the top. After all, the top is the highest peak, should it not be the most important? The foundation is the strongest point, as the roots in the baobab tree. Whitehead, Dittman, and McNulty (2017) list strategies for the mind, body, and spirit, to aid nurses in promoting and achieving self-care. Emotional and …show more content…

All other dimensions have been met and leadership has been mastered. While I feel as though I have not mastered self-leadership, I would not be enrolled in a doctoral program if I were not seeking to obtain it. Whitehead, Dittman, and McNulty (2017) gave reflections for self-leaders; adversity came up quite often. I can confidently say I have experienced my share of adversity. I would not be who I am today had I not had the experiences of paying for my entire undergraduate program, I would not be here today if my college had not closed the nursing program; my adversity has made me who I am. I need to improve self-care, as I need to strive to be an emotionally healthy adult. I feel this “pyramid” could be a fluid model, in which we continue to learn and

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