What self-leadership mean?
Self-leadership is a process to understand one’s own strengths and weaknesses from the multifaceted nature of the self. (Walumba et al., 2008). Also, it is the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling and behaviors to achieve your objectives.(Bryant & Kazan,2012). Moreover, self‐leadership theory extends previous concepts of self‐management by stressing the importance of individual's future‐oriented self‐direction.(Manz and Sims, 1980, Manz, 1986; Neck and Houghton, 2006)
The following five concepts of self-leadership are World Alerting strategies, Self Imposed strategies, Natural Reward strategies, Behavioural-focused strategies and Resigning one’s mental world.
World Alerting strategies(Christopher P. Neck, Charles C. Manz,2010) mean people using reminders and
Andrew Bryant, CSP, PCC & Ana Kazan, PhD (2012). Self-Leadership: How to Become a More Successful, Efficient, and Effective Leader from the Inside Out. New York : McGraw-Hill.
2. Manz, C.C., (1986). Self-Leadership: toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 11, 585-600.
3. Manz, C.C & Neck, C.P. (2004). Mastering self-leadership:Empowering your self for personal excellence (3rd ed). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
4. Manz, C.C & Neck, C.P. (2010) Insructor's Review Copy Mastering Self - Leadership Empowering Yourself for Personal Excellence(5th ed). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
5. Manz, C.C., & Sims, H.P., Jr. (1980). Self-management as a substitute for leadership: A social learning perspective. Academy of Management Review, 5, 361-7.
6. Manz, C.C., & Sims, H.P., Jr (2001). New superleadership:Leading others to lead Themselves., San Francisco, CA:Berrett-Koehler
7. Neck, C.P., & Houghton, J.D. (2006). Two decades of SelfLeadership theory and research: Past developments, present trends and future possibilities. Journal of
Managerial Psychology, 21,
Maxwell, John C. "The Definition of Leadership." Developing the Leader Within You. Nashville: T. Nelson, 2005. 1.
Pierce, Jon L. and John W. Newstrom (2011) 6th edition. Leaders and the Leadership Process.
Reading L112RC: Self-Awareness and Leadership Philosophy: Why Leaders Need One and Why they Need to Write It Down; CGSC Blackboard.
Leadership at times can be a complex topic to delve into and may appear to be a simple and graspable concept for a certain few. Leadership skills are not simply acquired through position, seniority, pay scale, or the amount of titles an individual holds but is a characteristic acquired or is an innate trait for the fortunate few who possess it. Leadership can be misconstrued with management; a manager “manages” the daily operations of a company’s work while a leader envisions, influences, and empowers the individuals around them.
Kouzes, J., & Posner, B., (2007). The leadership challenge, (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-
Lord, R. (2000). Leadership. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology, vol. 4. (pp. 499-505). Doi:10.1037/10519-216
According to the article, Why Self-Reflection Is the Key to Effective Leadership, it states that the practice of self-awareness and self-reflection will help us find out what are our strengths and weaknesses, our values and behaviors, and the ways in which we attempt on influence others. Self-awareness is the key to confidence and trust. According to the final words in the article, Good Leaders are Self-Reflective and Passionate, it offers suggestions for how to become a better leader. They suggest implementing knowing your strengths and gifts. Those you were born with and personal strengths you have developed over your lifetime. Live according to your personal values and morals. Serve as a role model, maintain a positive attitude, be and stay passionate. Continue to educate and improve yourself. According to the article, This is the one key trait that all great leaders share, states “that you are reflective about how the lessons taught in life can change the way you think, how you feel and you act. This reflection and the self-awareness that it requires is difficult and can make you feel exposed, but it is also necessary in order to become a better leader and manger.” This is so powerful to me because this process of self-reflecting can be as much as you want to reflect upon. It can up to 30 seconds or being hours and hours. If you facilitate this skill over the years, it will allow knowing to manage yourself to a tee. This is key because you need to know how to manage yourself before you can manage others. My professor in Change Management said these wise words to me a few terms ago. This always resonated with me and stuck by me. It is so simple but so power at the same
Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
When considering the term management, there has always been a common miss conception that this automatically makes an individual a leader. Leadership is only a single element of the management role. Many times managers are more comfortable utilizing a particular leadership style. While this may work well the majority of the time, certain employees or situations may require a different approach. Good leadership requires that the individual recognize the need for change to motivate their employees to accomplish the task at hand or to reach common goals. Understanding the importance of leadership is essential. However, the key element to focus on is what steps can be taken to improve one’s leadership capabilities. For many individuals this may be a difficult question to answer and may only be possible through self-assessment and reflection.
John A., 2009. Not Bosses but leaders, How to lead the way to success.3rd ed. London: kogan page.
The subject of personal leadership is widely recognised nowadays as it is often believed that successful leaders not only have the ability to lead other, but also know well and able to control oneself. In order to understand more about myself as a leader, I registered for this course. Around two months of this course, I have gained considerable knowledge which will be clearly documented in this Reflective Learning Diary. In addition, a separate section will be dedicated to my reflections after completing some personality tests.
...e theory but draws upon “five sources; intrinsic process, instrumental, self- concept external, self- concept internal and goal internalisation.” (Barbuto et al, 2010). Self- concept internal motivation is pivotal to leadership as it provides an extensive basis for self- evaluation whereby an individual’s ability to complete tasks at hand produce confidence and satisfaction, reflecting an internal locus of control. This form of motivation provides the capacity for leaders to appreciate each trait that is beneficial of employees for the firm, and allows for consistent results in the workplace. In addition, goal internalisation motivation allows employees to gain insight into the significance of tasks in order to find desire to succeed internally and in collaboration with fellow colleagues, subsequently the ability to express goal internalisation is key to leadership.
According to Bryant (2016), “self-leadership is the process by which you influence yourself to achieve your objectives.” So how do you achieve this, you start with developing your leadership point of view. Developing my leadership point of view forced me to reflect on the leader models in my life. It also forced me to evaluate the key events and experiences from my past and determine how they have impacted me as a leader. This self-reflection process allowed me to discover who I am, what my values and beliefs are and what my true purpose is in life. Thus far, this process has made me more self-aware and self-awareness is key to self-motivation and motivating others.
This paper describes about my leadership strengths and areas for growth/future study. It also included how these qualities are used in my daily work routine, self-assessment results and a brief explanation on Individual style in leadership.
I have a lot of experience in many things from education, customer service so forth and to end with parenting, so I have several styles of influence, power and leadership and all of which I have used, just not in this order. To influence is the capacity of the power of a person’s things in which they may be compelling force or able to produce effects and actions. Power means the ability to act or the capability of doing to accomplish something, as in the lecture power is the ability to marshal resources. Leadership is the function or position to direct or guide a group or groups of people, or as the lecture states the process of inspiring and guiding others to participate. It is my personal opinion that with all these styles a person still needs self-management as discussed in this semester as well. You cannot have someone that may has influence, power and leadership, yet lacks self-awareness. How can they lead a pack? My previous jobs have many individuals that portrayed to be leaders whom pretended to have power that influenced us, however they lacked self-management, and all of the above.