Screw it, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life and Business by Sir Richard Branson

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Examining Traits Consistently Related to Leadership Effectiveness

It is unfeasible to admire, appreciate or approve of an effective leadership if one cannot equate what makes a leader effective. For that reason, comprehending what is considered effective leadership has to be view through the traits of a successful leader. As stated by Gary Yuki (2012) leadership has been a topic that has long motivated interest among society. The word leader denotes the phantasmagorias of powerful self-motivated individuals who lead triumphant militaries, direct corporate empires, or influence the direction of nations (Yukl, 2012). One such leader this author thinks exhibits such traits is Sir Richard Branson the CEO of Virgin.
Sir Richard Branson is the founder and chairman of Virgin Group. Sir Branson owns a variety of businesses, totaling over four hundred (Martin, 2012). He net worth as of 2012 stood at $4.2 billion dollars. Sir Branson’s business endeavors range from airlines, telecommunications, cosmetics, space exploration, and other ventures (Martin, 2012). Sir Branson success is based on several unique qualities such as his concept about customer service; in which he states “Saying Yes is Fun” (Martin, 2012). Sir Branson believed that success cannot be achieved by saying “no” to new endeavors, he believe that you have to be bold when embarking on new projects, and achieving the desires of customers (Martin, 2012).
Moreover, Sir Branson frequently challenges the conventional perception, and find a way to say yes when other companies say no (Martin, 2012). Branson feel that customer service should not be gatekeepers instead they should be a concierge to customers, assisting and caring for customer needs which indicative of his lead...

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