Schools Should Start Later

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Starting school at a later time is a very controversial topic. It has it’s pros and cons. It can benefit students but also cause havoc in parental work schedules. Why should schools start later? Schools should start at a later time because it helps students get better grades, it increases grade score, it improves mental and physical health, and provided much needed sleep. To start off, schools should start later because it helps raise grades averages. If student come into their classes tired and unprepared, they won’t learn as much and the information definitely won’t stick in their heads. According to the article “Why We Must- And Can Restore Safe And Healthy School Hours” “ Kids who are tired can't learn at their best, and sleep deprivation …show more content…

When students stay up late finishing homework and doing their extracurricular activities and then have to get up early to do it all over again, it causes everything to be more stressful. The article “Should Schools Start Later?” informs us that a student in Missouri “ ‘Was habitually 10 minutes late for school, and it was disruptive’ ”(Jr Scholastic 20). This shows that sleepy students and early start times don’t mix. It’s very challenging to get up early and some teens even skip breakfast just for an additional 10 minutes of sleep. Being tired has so many effects on students. It decreases health, it causes them to not focus in class, it’s distracting, they don’t maintain information, the list goes on and on. Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if students are missing out on that for more sleep, it affects their brains and they won’t be able to focus in class, instead they’ll be focusing on their empty, sad, hungry tummy. There are a few people that argue that students just need to go to bed earlier and could eat breakfast at school. However some schools don't provide a nourishing breakfast or breakfast at all. Danny Lewin, a sleep specialist tells Junior Scholastic that “Teens are wired to be night owls”(Scholastic 20) This shows that students can’t get to sleep earlier and later start times are essential for healthy students. More sleep is the main reason why schools need to start later. Sleep schedules have a domino effect on everything this paper has talked about. Less sleep equals bad grades and unhealthy students. More sleep equals good grades and healthy

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