Why School Should Start Later

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Do people ever wake up early in the morning for school and not want to get out of bed because school starts too early? Most schools in the United States start at 8:30 a.m or earlier. For teens it is wake up 5:30 to 7:00 in the morning, get ready to go to school early and repeat the same process every school days. Most teens have a hard time waking up early because schools start so early which can affect their health. Also it can affect their ability to learn and get good grades. Later school times will keep students wide awake so they can function properly to help them on what they want to do when they grow up. School starting later is a good idea because it will benefit the health of teens, it will help teens do better in school with their …show more content…

“On what Justin O’Neill stated, these teens arrive to school tired, and now some experts are saying middle and high schools should start later so teens can sleep in.” Due to the fact that teens arrive to school late, they will be too tired, also will be marked tardy, and miss a lot of work. Missing school work will have to make teens stay up when they have free time to catch up on work the have missed while being too tired. By the time school starts at around 7:30 am to 8:30 am they will be too tired and lazy to get out of bed which means they will get tardy. Some schools that started later showed better attendances and less problems on tardiness. However why teens have a hard time to wake up early for …show more content…

What the author Jody Lawrence stated, “teens tend to have a later biological clock.” What this quote is trying to explain is that adolescents time to sleep change to a different times. Most kids sleep early, but when they get older their brain tend to change and decide to make choices on what they feel like doing. Teens will want to stay up late and go out to hang out with their friends or stay home playing video games instead of sleeping early and by the time they get to bed, it will be midnight through the early mornings which gives them less time to prepare for school because they are still sleeping. Especially when it comes to the weekends, teens will likely sleep very late in the night into the late mornings which can get them used to sleeping late during the school days. With all the benefits of school starting later, there are still a lot of people who think that school starting later is a bad

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