Reflection On My Learning Process

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This Project has three parts (Past, Present, and Future). Before you start, use the Project Planner on this page to help you plan and schedule your work. Project Planner

Directions: Use this chart to develop and follow a plan to complete the Project. For each part of the Project identify:
● The part’s steps
● An estimate of how long the part will take Steps Estimated Time
Past 1. Reading and understanding the instructions.
2. Brainstorming major points in my learning experience.
3. Recording brainstormed points.
4. Sorting three of them.
5. Brainstroming all processes I underwent while learning them.
6. Recording them in project planner, learner autobiography with reflection worksheet.
7. Proofreading them. • 10 minutes

• 10 minutes …show more content…

Before that, there was a neighbor who used to ride biyclcles and I was inspired by him. After giving my father a bicycle, I started riding it secretly in my home house by putting legs on the wall because it was long compared to my level and I had none to teach me. All of these were barriers for me to learn riding. Not only that but also it was forbidden by my father to ride his bicycle especially children. I persisted in all challenges I meet with until I knew riding. After knowin to ride, I feel proud of this achievement and also my father finally congratulate me even though I learnt it …show more content…

For example, I need to buy different items to facilitate my living , I need to manage time to be spent on different activities and other different activities that require mathematic operations in academics as well as in real life.

3. In 3–4 paragraphs, critically reflect on the learning process and what kind of learner you are. Consider the following questions to help you get started: Did one learning process work better for you? Which parts of the process were the most helpful? Is there a way that you prefer to learn? Has this always been the way you learn best? When you are being taught a different way, how do you make sure that you still learn? Based on what you know, how do you plan to adapt your learning style to the CfA platform and process?

Write your essay for step 3 in the box on the next page. The box will extend as needed.

Reflection Essay

I like to learn trough discussing with others. This learning stye interests because trough discussion I like the way people share different ideas and the most convincing ideas greatly help in my learning. Discussing with others also facilitate the way I master the content discussed about because it is easier to remember someone who said something in case of recalling the learned

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