Dirt Bike Research Paper

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As a young kid I always loved bikes, cars, and basically anything that can go fast. So when I was seven years old I got to ride my first dirtbike. The dirtbike was our cousins so I rode it as much as I could. When I first saw the dirt bike I was very confused at all the complicated controls and buttons it had. It took me a few hours for my dad to teach me and help me learn how to use every thing. The dirt bike itself was bright yellow with black stripes across it and It reminded me of an old rotten banana but I still liked it anyway. Since I was seven years old I had training wheels which were thick bulky tires that looked older than time itself. Before I got onto the dirt bike I had a helmet and bodysuit to protect me incase I fell or crashed. The helmet was yellow and too big for my head like the bike and the bodysuit was a dark black and way too large for me. …show more content…

It was almost learning how to ride a bike again. When I learned how to pick up more speed it felt amazing as I zipped through the trails immediately loving it. With my training wheels I learned how to balance the bike and use the controls. After a week or so my dad took off the training wheels and I was free to go where I wanted. However before I could go my dad tried to explain to me how to change gears and up the speed on the dirtbike. I had know idea what he was talking about and didn't really care either. When I took off the training wheels and started driving without them it felt way different. I was faster and way less balanced. However I got way better and started to go farther out. I was only limited to go around my pole barn and stay insight of my

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