Exploring Putnam's Social Capital Theory in IB Education

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To what extent can Robert Putnam`s Social Capital theory justify International Mindedness in IB education?


The current socio political climate has created enormous tensions across the world and new economic interdependencies raises questions of roles of schools and their preparation of students. (Qi p10). In an increasingly globalised world, it is important that education adapts appropriately. Robert Putnam believes that education has a very powerful effect on trust, as well as social and political participation (Green P1). This ideology is formed from his particular version of Social Capital (SC) theory whereby civic engagement and social capital entail mutual obligation and responsibility. (Putnam BA p21). This essay is designed to examine the extent to which SC can justify IM education and the subsequent repercussions of this.


The methodology of this work will be based on a literature review of both “International Mindedness” and “Social Capital” and these will be used in a key-term online search in books and articles from the library at the University of Bath. The term …show more content…

IM has found expression in an increasingly dynamic, inter connected world and is considered a key concept associated with international education. It is designed to appreciate diversity within and between nations, embrace knowledge about global issues and their interdependence. It is also considered to be a value proposition in that it should put knowledge and skills to work to make a better world (such as through empathy) (HILL p246). IM should give us enlightened view of interdependence and theoretically thereby reducing notions of territoriality and national supremacy. (HILL

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