Public Speaking Style Of Speech

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Many of the students that enroll in post-secondary education will be required to face one of the greatest fears known to man – having to stand before an audience and deliver a prepared speech. This dreaded action is courtesy of the requirement of a public speaking course in numerous degree paths. The majority of students will enroll in a public speaking course just to “check the box”, and have no intention of ever really utilizing the skills that they will be taught. There exists a minority of students who recognize the importance of effective public speaking, and desire to move past the basics and become effective orators. How can these students be aided? A full semester advanced public speaking course could be designed to mature both the …show more content…

Murugaiah further points out “Pecha Kucha (PK), which means “the sound of conversation” or “chitchat” in Japanese, refers to a presentation format that is well-prepared, fast and concise” (p. 89) The PK, created by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, consists of 20 PowerPoint slides, containing pictures and graphics with little text, presented on a timer of 20 seconds per slide (Murugaiah, 2016). The purpose of learning the PK is to provide evidence that informative speeches are better kept short and sweet. According to Murugaiah, “Those who are subjected to information-laden presentations perform worse than those who are not. On the other hand, when concise slides are presented, the rate of retention of information is better (p. 92). The PK will focus more on the physical delivery assisting students in understanding the need to not be locked into one spot and posture during their presentations. Individual presentations have reigned up until this point, but oftentimes you will not be alone on the …show more content…

Additionally, students will be afforded the time to meet with members of the selected group in order to interview for the purpose of audience analysis. De La Mare (2014) revealed that the audience analysis portion of their speeches is taken much more seriously by the service-learning students (201). The creation of civic-minded speakers will provide a boost to the realistic rhetoric we need to hear. Becoming effective speakers teaches how to say something, but it can be further enhanced by adding the element of learning what to

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