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How schools can prevent childhood obesity essay
Improving school nurse role
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Recommended: How schools can prevent childhood obesity essay
The public school system offers several different types of health care services to students concerning issues that are a problem in 21st century schools. Two of the top concerns in public school health care concern the on topics of reproduction and obesity. With over 50 million students attending public schools, it is important to recognize and understand that school systems have a responsibility to provide health care education and services that will educate and hopefully improve the health of all students.
Public schools in the 21st century provide many basic health care services. These services include having a full or part-time school nurse, dental care, mental health, special education programs, child obesity programs and reproductive health care. Schools are required to have at least one school nurse available on the premises. It is also important for public schools to be equipped to handle any kind of situation that might challenge a student’s learning ability such as having a learning disability, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), depression and even food allergies. ...
There is a common misconception that the role of school nurses only includes the occasional first aid duties and caring for kids with a cold or the flu. Yet, the truth is that the responsibilities of school nurses are critical to monitoring and maintaining healthy and thriving schools. School Nurses are foundational to making public education available to every student, regardless of any and all pre-existing health conditions and circumstances. As Head Nurse, Debi Bradfield put it, “Everyday I am constantly bombarded everywhere at school - in the hallways, in the lunchroom, in the classroom, on the playground- with the responsibility of assessing what I see to make sure students are okay.” She shared that as a school nurse, she uses ALL of her nursing skills all the time.
< Dailard, Cynthia. “School-Based Health Centers and the Birth Control Debate”. The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy. 3. 5 (2000): 5-7. Online. 18 Dec. 2009
The implementation of a reproductive life plan into junior high, high schools, clinics, and hospitals along
From Kindergarten to 12th grade, children spend most of their time at school. School, what we adults think, is supposed to be the teachers of our children while we are at work. They feed them lunch, and possibly breakfast, five days out the week, keep them active, and teach them all about their body and health in health class. But, are they really taking care of them enough? Some schools fail to serve healthy foods, teach health class, or even provide enough time to be physically active. One in three kids are obese, that is reason enough to care about these children’s lives at school. Schools are one of the reasons that the younger generation has a fast growing obese rate.
“Schools become the ‘last frontier’ for hungry kids.” usatoday.com). Thus, many students do not carry the proper balance of nutrition through school that conceals the students indoors through the school day. Students are in a constant battle for motivation in the classroom atmosphere that does not consider a student’s pace while learning. Today, students in community schools from Michigan seldom use open campus privileges. (Johnson, Adrian. “Should high schools have open campus for lunch?” www.mlive.com). Students’ are required to stay on campus to abstain from the increase of truancy leading to missing instructional
...). A future research idea piggybacks on this program by encouraging an initiation of state and/or national legislation, specifically for change moving towards healthier school nutrition and additional school nutrition education. This legislation would also mandate increases in the amount of time children are allowed for physical activity in their school day as a lack of physical activity is a huge risk factor for overweight and obesity. Another thought is to designate a school health coordinator who will be responsible for maintaining and continuing the positive work that this study began. Utilizing the success of this program and others like it in this regards will lead to action on all levels of the social ecological framework. Ultimately, a multilevel examination of determinants and interventions needs to be aimed at preventing child overweight and obesity.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Prevention. School Health Policies and Programs Study. September 30, 2002. April 6, 2003.
Perry, S., Hockenberry, M., Lowdermilk, D., & Wilson, D. (2010). The School-Age Children and Family. Maternal child nursing care (4th ed., p. 1093). Maryland Heights, Mo. Mosby Elsevier.
Human, K., & Meyer, J. P. (2007, Oct 30). School birth-control role? task force says clinics at six DPS high schools should be able to dispense pills. Denver Post. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/410853210?accountid=45111
High Incidence disabilities are mild disabilities that affect most of the special education students in schools today. “Approximately 36 percent of all students with disabilities served under IDEA have specific learning disabilities.” (Turnbull, Turnbull, Wehmeyer & Shogren, 2016 p. 104)The three areas that fall under the title of a high incidence disabilities are learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, and emotional/ behavioral disorders. Students with high incidence disabilities are taught and spend most of their time in the general education classroom. They are supported in the classroom with accommodations, modifications, paraprofessionals and related services to help them succeed. They may spend a portion of their day receiving support from a special education teacher, or another related service providers such as a speech pathologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or social worker outside of the classroom. It becomes apparent when students start school which ones have a high incidence disability. This is because when they start school educators begin to notice they are different from their peers sometimes socially, behaviorally, or they begin to struggle academically. They all share some similar traits such as a short attention span and lower academic skills in certain areas or subjects. They may also have difficulties with their behavior or social development. At that point they may be referred to for testing or an evaluation to see what might be going on with the student.
School nurses are essential contributors in the school system, making the school safer and healthier for children and their families. They provide services that include check-ups, health education programs, as well as act as first responders during a medical emergency in the school. School nurses are uniquely qualified in health assessment, illness and disability prevention, and referral procedures. Due to many budgetary constraints, school districts are looking to cut costs through the school nurse position by cutting back on hours or eliminating the position all together (Kennedy, 2014). However, school nurses are vital in safeguarding the health status of children.
Sex education in public schools has been a controversial issue in the United States for over a decade. With the HIV and teen pregnancy crises growing, sex education is needed.
Free health care access will be costly at first, but by using NP’s, PMHNP’s and PHN’s in each school where prevention interventions will be managed, the long-term benefits will even out. If each child has at the least annual screening for; mental health needs, obesity prevention, diabetes, cardiac issues related to sedentary lifestyles, a lot of expensive healthcare needs
Educational institutions have the potential to, first and foremost, educate and assist the young people of today with making the positive, healthful choices necessary to maintain good health. Over 4,500 students have been followed in recent research studies and these “thousands of sixth graders who participated in a school-based health program were less obese by eighth grade than a group of similar children who did not, according to a new study done for the National Institutes of Health” (Rabin). Schools need to create health programs focused on assisting all children suffering from being overweight or obese. Policies such as fitness programs, nutrition classes, and healthful meals can even impact every student by creating a strong foundation and awareness of the negative, long term effects associated with practicing unhealthy habits. Although the financial expenses would be necessary, the adaption of scho...
Health Educators are professionals who hold prepared knowledge and skills which are based on research to help to promote health education to change the behaviour in individuals as well as the population. Health educators promote the importance of health to prevent the population from the growth of certain diseases to prevent deaths and disabilities. They provide the population with information on any health related issues that are effecting the population or could possibly effect the population. They help to assess health training and also plan the health education programmes for example when people come into schools or colleges to talk about sex safe, drugs and alcohol these organisations are set up through health educators, they are educating