Pros And Cons Of Getting Distracted Essay

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It is so easy to get distracted these days! We are bombarded with advertisement, email, information, ideas, and requests all the time. It's sometimes impossible to get away from it all.

So when a "shiny-object" appears, our time and attention is drawn away and amused for a moment (or sometime hours at a time). We don't even realize we are being sucked in until we've wasted one of our most precious resources - our time!

Does this ever happen to you??

You know you should be writing a presentation but instead that on-line store is calling your name to order a gift for your friend's new baby. You know you should be focused on where you're evolving but it's hard to think straight with people whizzing through your office like a revolving door. You know you should be seeing what you can systemize so you can …show more content…

You know you are getting distracted when you can't focus on what you need to get done, you procrastinate, you do the easy stuff, or you don't get the right information or people lined up to achieve success. You can waste a lot of time spinning, daydreaming, and doing "tiny tasks" before doing the biggest priority that will have the biggest …show more content…

Set Up A System. If you do some work that has similar recurring activities, why not set up a system for getting it done faster. For instance, if you are doing a presentation, writing an email, or writing an article, create a template that you can follow each time that you do it so that you can get more done in less time. For example, whenever I write an article, I use an outline that asks specific questions that I just fill in, and a method (it's a Q&A writing method) that makes it easier to get it done. Once you've created a method or framework or system, it's much easier to apply it to new projects and to automate as much as possible. No point in recreating the wheel every

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