Cause And Effect Essay On Distracted Driving

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Distracted Driving: Things you can do to remain focused When you think about distracted driving, you may think about teenagers texting or talking while they are driving; however, distracted driving includes much more than those two behaviors. To begin, anyone can be a distracted driver, regardless of age. Additionally, there are many things that take driver’s attention off the road, including: • Eating and drinking • Grooming • Texting • Talking • Using the navigation system During 2013, there were over 3,000 deaths related to distracted driving and over 420,000 injuries. People are distracted when they first get behind the wheel and when they have been driving for hours. Causes of Distracted Driving The Centers for Disease Control Prevention attribute distracted driving to three main causes: Visual distractions. When you take your eyes off the road. Manual …show more content…

Turn off your phone. Your cellphone is one of the main causes of distractions while you are driving. You can completely eliminate this problem by completely turning off your cellphone while you are driving. Tip #2. Don’t drive while you are sleepy. Many people drive for a living. They have to drive long hours on any given day. However, simply because you are a driver doesn’t mean you have to do so while you are sleepy. You can pull over and get a few hours of rest to ensure you are safe on the road. Tip #3. Don’t multi-task behind the wheel. As a society, we are becoming increasingly busier. We are always looking for ways to save time. Unfortunately, many people think that they can do that behind the wheel. From eating to talking on the phone, multi-tasking shifts your focus and increases the chances of having an accident Driving while distracted threatens your safety, other’s safety and your auto insurance rates. With a little diligence, you can increase your focus behind the wheel. At any moment, there are nearly 700,000 people multi-tasking while driving, a danger to everyone on the

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