How does polychronicity affect entrepreneurs’ psychological well-being? A person-job fit perspective
Principle Topic
Entrepreneurs often need to perform multiple tasks simultaneously or intermittently (i.e., polychronicity) (Volery, Mueller, & Siemens, 2013) because they usually face fast changing environment and have limited human resources to delegate tasks. Thus, entrepreneurship offers opportunities to behave polychronically on the job (i.e., polychronicity supplies). However, as individuals are different in their preference for multitasking (i.e., polychronicity values) in that some prefer to work on multiple tasks simultaneously whereas others may prefer to finish the current task before starting a new one, it is likely that not all entrepreneurs
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Little has been done to examine the joint effect of polychronicity values and polychronicity supplies on outcomes. To extend prior research, we draw on the person-job fit perspective (Kristof, 1996), especially the supplies-values fit model (Edward, 1996), as the theoretical foundation for the present research. The supplies-values fit model suggests that supplies-values fit exists when environmental supplies can fulfill individuals’ values (Edwards, 1996). Regarding the polychronicity dimension of the supplies-values fit, fit can exist when the opportunities to work polychronically fit with individuals’ preference for polychronicity (Hecht & Allen, 2005), and such fit can lead to positive individual-level outcomes such as enhanced psychological well-being (Hecht & Allen, 2005). Therefore, in the present research, we seek to examine how polychronicity values and polychronicity supplies jointly affect entrepreneurs’ psychological well-being which is manifested in four aspects: job satisfaction, self-efficacy, passion for work, and psychological
As human beings, it is becoming more of a second nature to us to multi-task. As the world is technologically advancing more and more every day, there are becoming more distractions. Social-media is flourishing, reality TV show ratings are going up, and humans even unintentionally check their phones every two minutes. In this day of age, multi-tasking is proving to promote inefficiency rather than productivity.
People live in a society that encourages getting as many things done as quickly as possible. Whether they realize it or not, multitasking as become a part of their everyday lives. They perform multiple tasks at the same time in order to save time. They use multiple electronics to take more in all at once. Multitasking can seem to be the more efficient way to handle things because people can spend the same amount of time on several tasks as opposed to just one. However, they do not stop to think of the amount of effort it takes the multitask and the consequences that can come along with it. Several experiments have been performed to determine just how detrimental multitasking can be. Attempting any form of multitasking
The world is filled with many ambitious people looking to make a product to help the world and make a living for themselves and their families. These people are known as entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is someone who organizes and operates a business or businesses while running the risk of losing everything to make money. One might ask why there is a risk ...
It seems our society is still trying to obtain the ever so elusive principle of time. By multitasking we’ve have developed the perception that by performing two or more different tasks simultaneously that we can reduce the amount of time it takes to complete on single task; and once we’ve familiarized ourselves with a multitasking function we can achieve our ultimate goal, increasing our productivity. For instance the workplace overemphasizes multitasking to point that it’s a must needed job requirement on job applications (Otto). Multitasking is so important in our society that it becomes a necessity and often at times is inadvertently promoted in classrooms, tell-all books or celebrity biographies. You know the ones where someone famous talks about balancing work, parenting, school and successfully fulfilling their dreams. That misconception seems to have brought on the mentality of “if they can do it, I can do it too.” And in most cases we can’t because some pieces of the puzzle were missing in the tell all.
Spector, P. (1997). Job satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Cause and Consequences. 1st ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
“Multitasking.” Encyclopedia of Small Businesses. 3rd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2007. 758-759. Gale Virtual Reference Libraray. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.
On a daily basis I am challenged with a multitude of situations that I must prioritize and resolve in order to move ahead. Through these experiences I have developed the ability to juggle these situations in a timely and satisfactory manner. Thus, making me a multitasked individual capable of handling a variety of rigorous tasks. Multitasking enables me to be more productive within a demanding atmosphere.
I feel as though the label Moderately Monochronic perfectly describes who I am. Typically, when tackling a project I generally have an idea of what I am going to do and follow through this plan in order to be done by the due date. This is partly due because I believe that everything is easily done and handled in a chronological order, and if it is not I will stress out and immediately stop working to come up with a strategy. The plan will help me concentrate on the task in hand and finish the project on time, as well as measure my progress and insure that I would finish it on time. I view that completing the project is my top priority and would like interruptions as minimum as possible. I do enjoy talking with others at the beginning of the
This theory implicates a logical illustration that if the nature of a job sufficed and met the five core characteristics, the employee would feel a sense of fulfillment that would result in excellent work performance (Armstrong, 2017). The job design prefigures the significant relationship of the five core dimensions as to how a worker perceives the three vital psychological states – meaningfulness of work, responsibility and knowledge of outcomes – that would eventually contribute to a sense of general job satisfaction, personal growth, increased motivation and effectiveness of work (DeVaro, Li, Brookshire, 2007). There is a dynamic suggestion in JCM that acclaims the correlation of positive feelings with an excellent performance, and negative feelings with poor performance (Mukul, Rayhan, Hoque, & Islam,
Dispositional effects on job and life satisfaction: The role of core evaluations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 17–34. Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. a. The adage of the adage of the adage of the Commitment in the workplace: Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
There has been a large amount of attention paid to the subject of entrepreneurship in the last few years; mainly because most people have chosen to go from working for somebody else, to be their own bosses and work for their dreams. Nevertheless, many still wonder what is entrepreneurship and what is that sets entrepreneurs apart from other regular business owners. At first, it seems both concepts do not differ much from each other since they both start up and run businesses and assume risks to pursue opportunities; however, there are certain traits that difference them.
Latham, G. P. (2007). Work motivation: History, theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Even though this contradicts the acceptance of “Quantity over Quality,” as mentioned before in the paper, I have never approached this path in order to avert procrastination due to the fact, that I instrumented the process of accomplishing a lot of task before focusing on one assignment. Even though we will be stressed and occupied with many tasks, and the person will be overwhelmed with anxiety to finish an assignment, I have never attempted to practice this theory of being solely fixated on a single duty. Thus having no attempt in testing this
Kuratko, Hornsby & Naffziger, (1997) and Robichaud, McGraw, Roger (2001) surveyed entrepreneurs from North American to study how motivation affects the business success. They found that there is a positive relationship between motivation and business performance.
(Claessens, Brigitte J.C.2004). adds that time “cannot be managed, because time is an invariable factor. Only the way a person deals with time can be”. Nevertheless, time management has become increasingly essential to businesses and organizations. This is especially true over the last two decades, as a result of expanding global competition and increased demands for the immediate availability of products and services. Given the increased pace of everyday life, people increasingly need to be more organized. Efficient time management practices support business students in acquiring key skills that will assist them both in their educatio...