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Introduction and motivational theories
It is said that there is no such thing as failure, instead we have results. This was the idea that gave rise to the start of a company and later shooting of this video, in the outskirts of Addis Ababa in Africa. The video is about a shoe company called oliberte, which prides itself as the first company to be offered a fair trade certification. The founder, Mr. Tal Dehtiar has appreciated and employed great motivation methods in the growth of his company in a challenging environment (Oliberte, 2011). Motivation’s purpose is to initiate, guide and maintain goal oriented behaviors on the person that it is applied to. It can be driven by biological, social, emotional or cognitive forces. People are motivated to behave in a certain way because it is a core creational component of the human race. The two motivational theories that can be seen in this video are Mayo’s theory of human relations and Maslow and Herzberg’s theory of human needs (Latham, 2007).
Mayo’s theory of human relations is directed towards an employee’s social needs. Elton Mayo is credited to introducing the human relation school of thought. According to him pay alone is not enough to my motivate workers to produce their best (Latham, 2007). Social needs of the workers for example treating them in a humane and caring manner should be considered. In this video we learn not only of the decent pay that the workers receive but their working conditions are of high standards. The adequate space maintained between machinery, correct protective equipment for employees as well as proper work gear has been observed. The company is not biased against women as they form part of the workforce and with the great machinery available they are a...
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...eople constitute a rich untapped potential. The company seeks to harness this core’s energy in their change agenda of competing with the world’s best thereby achieving the impossible
Works Cited
Bushe, G.R. (2011) Appreciative inquiry: Theory and critique. In Boje, D., Burnes, B. and Hassard, J.(eds.) The Routledge Companion To Organizational Change (pp. 87103).Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Barrett, F.J. & Fry, R.E. (2005) Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Building Cooperative Capacity. Chagrin Falls, OH: Taos Institute.
Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D. & Stavros, J.M. (2008) Appreciative Inquiry Handbook (2nd Ed.) Brunswick, OH: Crown Custom Publishing.
Latham, G. P. (2007). Work motivation: History, theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Oliberte (2011,Sep 18). All about Oliberte. YouTube. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com
Gratitude is a gift that the earth urgently needs. Consistent gratitude is a form of recognition of the gift and the giver. Daily gratitude can help eliminate the need for more and practicing more of only what we need. Gratitude leads to a society of contentment rather than one that's always in need of more. We human individuals have conventions for appreciation; we apply them formally to each other. We say thank you. “We understand that receiving a gift
The following section defines and explains Michael J. Hyde’s concepts of acknowledgment, call of conscience, reconstruction, calculative thought, and social death. As defined by Hyde, “acknowledgment is a moral act; it functions to transform space and time, to create openings wherein people can dwell, deliberate, and know together what is right, good, just, and truthful” (Hyde, 2006, p. 7). Acknowledgment takes place when someone opens up and makes room for someone else. They see that someone else is in need and instead of turning away, they take the time, as well as, the effort to understand/help someone else. More importantly, acknowledgment grants people hope to a new beginning where they have the chance to improve
McClish, Mark. “Susan Smith” http://www.statementanalysis.com/susan-smith/ Advanced Interviewing Concepts. May 6, 2002. Web, Feb. 7, 2012
The first area identified for improvement is praising people for a job well done. Too many times I have passed on the opportunity to publicly recognize member either formally or informally for their efforts. From my point of view, when a task is assigned it is expected to be completed to the highest level of competency. Meeting this standard leaves little room for exemplary performance to be recognized. I intend to correct this by taking
Gratitude is one of the positive emotions shown from research and clinical trials to enhance the general well being of human beings. Gratitude is defined by Emmons (2004) as “a sense of thankfulness and joy in response to receiving a gift, whether the gift be a tangible benefit from a specific other or a moment of peaceful bliss evoked by natural beauty. Emmons and McCullough also see gratitude as an attitude, a habit, a personality trait and a way of handling difficult situations response (Emmons & Stern, 2013).
The next tip is “give honest and sincere appreciation.” A recurring theme in this book, is that people want to feel like they are important. There is a driver forcing you to do everything in life. For example, as a chairperson of the Business Week publicity committee, I am working hard to promote the Business Week activities and increase attendance using creative tactics. When people show up to events because of a promotion I created, it makes me feel important and gives me a sense of fulfillment. Such is the case when dealing with others. If they know they are appreciated, they will feel important and will continue doing a good job in the future.
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) was pioneered in the 1980s by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva. (TCFAI, 2014) Cooperrider was doing doctorial research under Srivastva at Case Westen Reserve University, using the Cleveland Clinic Foundation as the subject. The organization impressed him because of the cooperative way it functioned. When the Clinic Cooperrider was asked to help turn the hotel around. Instead of changing staff or sending them to training. He sent them to a hotel that was an excellent example of the way a hotel should operate. They then were to list all of the positive things they found, only the positives, no negatives. The staff returned energized and with many ideas. Thus AI was born. AI operates on the assumption that ...
“Acknowledgment heads us in the direction of observation; hence, it requires us to do what our existence, itself, allows for: be open to the world” (Hyde, 2006, p. 48). When reading Les Misérables it is clear to see that many of the terrible stories that take place still exist today. Hugo exposes these stories in order to display the wrong a society can create in an attempt to make people aware and take the necessary actions to prevent unjust societies from existing. Hyde and many other scholars agree that the act of acknowledgment has the potential to change not only someone’s life, but the world. When people turn towards others, see them for who they are, and take necessary means to help them this leaves little room for a loneliness or corruption. The act of acknowledgment is so powerful that it can create peace, restore relationships, and even redirect depressing
When we sacrifice our time to help someone in need, whether it is a great or small need, we become a part of their life and can help alleviate heavy burdens. We feel good for looking outside ourselves and contributin...
... (2001) showed that grateful individuals were especially appreciative of the contribution of others to their happiness. Expressing gratitude and reviewing three good things highlighted this, and reminded me to show my loved ones my gratitude.
As Michael Hyde would put it acknowledgement is a life giving gift.Acknowledgment is being heard and understood, it’s important in relationships the workplace and in any form of communication; because as human beings we crave validation and recognition.Acknowledgment is seen everywhere at the end of books, at award shows, cards received when you attend a wedding or a funeral, we feel the need to acknowledge others to let them know how grateful we are of their time.Acknowledgment is also seen in the workplace to show you are valued and respected for instance when you are given a raise or an award for being employee of the week it is given to show recognition,appreciation and support.
Even though awards to all could motivate and show appreciation to some, awards to all could also effect and concern others.
Motivation is the force that transforms and uplifts people to be productive and perform in their jobs. Maximizing employee’s motivation is a necessary and vital to successfully accomplish the organization’s targets and objectives. However, this is a considerable challenge to any organizations managers, due to the complexity of motivation and the fact that, there is no ready made solution or an answer to what motivates people to work well (Mullins,2002).
Debts of gratitude are, in general, incurred by people who receive help or favors from others. But to say that a person has a debt of gratitude is not merely to say that he should be thankful for the assistance given. The indebtedness concerned is not confined to actual benefits received. In recognizing a debt of gratitude, one also recognizes the good will manifested by the benefactor in providing assistance or granting a favor.
Michell, P., & Spence, S. (2009). Inquiry into Guided Inquiry. ACCESS , 23 (4), 5-8.