Pinctuality Is Important Essay: The Importance Of Punctuality

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My mom has always been known as the one who is constantly late to everything because she would do everything at the last minute. It would irritate me because I had to wait around for her to pick me up from somewhere because she would forget and then wouldn't answer her phone when I called. After experiencing the annoyance and frustration countless times, I vowed that I would always be punctual. Punctuality is important when it comes to careers, school, and everyday life. If people show up late there are many repercussions, some worse than others, that happen when a person fails to be punctual. It can be seen as a difficult task when it comes to being on time if a person procrastinates, but once the proper steps are taken it becomes hard not to be punctual. The proper tasks in order to be punctual every time include: Knowing why punctuality is important, knowing what needs to be done and when it has to be done, knowing how long it will take to drive to the destination, and setting more than one alarm at an appropriate time. These tasks are the key to being successful because if something goes wrong there is still plenty of time to make it on time. Meanwhile, punctuality indicates that a person is responsible and dependable. Being aware of the advantages and the importance of punctuality is indispensable because that knowledge will be …show more content…

Setting alarms at different intervals of time provides an efficient system. People often sleep through alarms or accidentally turn them off, which makes for a horrible morning when waking up. Setting an alarm doesn't always have to be for waking up, it can also help people remember to leave at an appropriate time. A timer is only useful if the time set is accurate, setting a timer for p.m. instead of a.m. is an easy way to be late. Double checking to make sure an alarm is set to the right time is reassurance that a person is going to be on

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