Creative Writing About Fishing

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Fishing in Canada The fresh morning air tickling my face. The wind whispering in my ear. The beautiful amberish lake flowing with the light breeze of the wind. The trees swaying with the wind as if they were dancing. The sandy beach stretching far and wide across the vast lake. The little cabins sitting stiffly on the shore. The many little islands are tolerating the water around them. The smell of decaying fish stinging my nose. My sister is biggest procrastinator I know. She is lazy at times, but will get her work done if needed. She is a pain in my neck. Who always tries to get me in trouble. My mom on the other hand, is not a procrastinator. She will get up an hour or so earlier than everyone else, even if she doesn’t need to. She’s …show more content…

We quickly put on our raincoats and continued the journey to get to our fishing position. While sitting in the boat, I was looking around the lake at all the little islands. Some of the islands had beaches and others were just rock. After another 15 or so minutes passed, the rain stopped. We were still only halfway to our destination. The wind started to pick up again and made the waves rough. After bouncing up and down, it soon stopped. We curved around each of the islands on the lake. The water was like a window because it was so clear. After another hour we finally got there. Our guide threw out two orange buoys. He put jigs on our poles and told us to start. We were fishing for trout. After about 5 minutes, my sister got a bite. She began to reel in slowly and the fish jumped on. She reeled all the way in and caught a trout. It had a big gouge in the side of the fish. Finally, I got one on my line. I reeled it in slowly to make sure it would take it. It jumped on and I reeled it in. It was in the slot, so we couldn’t keep it. After a few more fish caught, it started to rain again. The wind picked up and it got very cold. He decided to go to another spot west of where we were. After a while, the wind cleared up. It took about an hour before the fish decided to bite again. Finally, I got a bite. I reeled in slowly and it caught on. It was huge compared to the other fish we caught earlier. It was 26 inches. We would

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