Argumentative Essay On Bass Fishing

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Every wondered what makes a fish tick, or what makes them want what you're throwing. Well don`t wonder any longer because the topic I have chosen to cover is about this very thing.  Anglers around the world have always wanted to catch the biggest fish but never knew why they was able to catch the big ones.  The topic I have chose to write about is a topic that not alot of people care about because it has something to do with the science behind catching fish and most people just want to catch the fish, not learn why they can catch them. So this paper will be focusing on why you catch fish specifically focusing on bass.
In this first explanation of bass fishing it will be focused on a certain type of lure that attracts fish and, how they are …show more content…

"Single-jointed glide baits excel in cool water--during fall and into winter and into the early Pre spawn Period," he says. "At these times, Texas bass tend to move shallow and hold around hydrilla and milfoil beds, or else they suspend in standing timber. “  This quote is directly from the article and it describes how the glide bait works in cool water, and specifically how it works on bass in Texas.  "When I started fishing these baits on Fork around 2012, it was like magic. No one was using them and I can recall days when we caught 30 bass that averaged 7 pounds. Now, this technique has caught on and a number of other guides specialize in it, so bass have become a bit more jaded to it.”  This one starts talking about how well these “Glide-baits” work. The person talking in this quote it telling his story of how he was able to use this lure and catch many …show more content…

"The sun was going down, and I couldn't see in the water. Montalto is a serious, soft-spoken young man with a sturdy build, who was a hockey player in high school. "I was throwing a bluegill colored swim bait, jerking it to make it look as if it were dying on the bed. "Another cast, jerked it once, and the fish took off.” Montalto was prepared--sort of. He had a Johnny Morris Titanium 8 casting rod, and a Bass Pro Qualifier reel loaded with Power Pro 50-pound braid. "I set the hook, and the fish felt small. Then I realized I just felt air because the drag was loose. It hit close, so it didn't take long to get it in. "I got on my stomach to scoop it out, because there was a drop-off at the bank with weeds and grass. I had to bear-hug it out of the water. "I put it on the scale, and it read 16.75. I put it on again, and it still read 16.75. I was like, okay, here's a big fish.” The article continues on to describe the way he makes money after catching the fish and how people are always trying to beat his “behemoth of a bass”. He was just shy of the state record but says he will continue fishing probably his whole life…  “The violence I feel through the rod promises the fish of a lifetime.”  This quote describes how a man was fishing and had hooked a big fish. He knew it was a big

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