Persuasive Essay On How To Improve Education

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Education has played an important role in people’s lives and receiving the best education is a right to all humans, but now in days we can see that our education system is in deep distress. This is made evident by the low rate of graduates; that’s why our education system needs to be improved. Many people think that our government is responsible for our bad education system, However, teachers are the real issue even though many teachers are saying they 're doing their best, they’re not. How do we improve our education system? For a start, we need to provide better teaching programs for teachers to improve their skills and make them earn their tenure instead of just giving it to them. No one can deny that there are good teachers, but we don’t …show more content…

Because some teachers become lousy after receiving the tenure - Howard Fuller, former superintendent of Milwaukee, said “… I’m going to fire these people…” Phillip Davis Guggenheim said, “He fired them but was forced to rehire them with a years back pay because of a provision in the teachers’ contract which guaranteed their job for life called tenure…” Some teachers become useless after receiving the tenure and no one can do anything about it because they can’t fire them. Therefore, some schools uses the “lemon dance”, which tend to exchange bad teachers with other schools bad teachers and the cycle goes on and on. As Fuller explained, “…but for public school teacher tenure has become automatic you can get tenure basically if you continue to breathe for two years whether or not you help children is irrelevant once you get it, we cannot get rid of you… you are there for life, even if we can prove you are a lousy teacher” Once they get their job secure they forget about providing the students’ a good education. Some argue that it is not the teachers fault for students not learning, but the students themselves not wanting to learn. However, the teachers should motivate the students desire to succeed but they

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