Persuasive Essay For Education

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“Thomas Aquinas once wrote that it is better to know a little of what is important than a lot of what is unimportant” (Stancil, 252). Students should have a balance of street smarts and book smarts so they can be successful in whichever career they may choose. If the typical education focuses on teaching the students only certain areas they may or may not use, then how will the students be completely prepare for life? If education is supposed to prepare students for life, then can anyone really limit or define education? Kim Jones, a CEO who wrote an article on education, claims “Education does not have a single purpose; it serves multiple objectives, and the relative importance of each of these objectives can be very personal” ( …show more content…

Probably not. Because to fully understand and know something, one must experience it and to the work himself. Educators can drill everything that was ever thought or discovered at their students and the students may retain some of the information, but the odds of them remembering it in the long run are slim. Because there is no teaching going on. There is only listening. William James, a Harvard Professor, says education can only be defined as “the organization of acquired habits of conduct and tendencies to behavior” (James,15). To acquire habits, the students must act and learn with their senses. That is why hands on learning is encouraged at a young age. Hands-on learning gives the students the opportunity to experience what they are being taught. So instead of just hearing or reading the words, they are able to experience what is being said. This will help the students learn their interests and abilities better than if they were to just hear about …show more content…

But not through impossible math problems or writing impossible papers on dead people no one really cares about. Students should be taught creative and critical thinking in a way that is specific to each individual child. We grow up being told we are unique, so why do we all have to learn the same way? Today, schools force the students to learn the same way. They are forcing us to conform instead of giving us the chance to be creative and allow us to find our identity. If we are given the chance, we can blow your minds and make a difference in this world. Maybe the difference that the world needs. But if we are forced to conform, forced to learn about things we do not care about, then the odds of making a difference

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