The Purpose and Ideology of Education

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The purpose and ideology of education There is no one single definition for what education really is. Experts and scholars from the beginning have viewed and commented about education in different ways. The definition mostly agreed upon was that education is an acquisition or passing of skills, behavior or knowledge from an institution to another. This institution can either be a person, a school, a family or even the society. If we go in the ancient meaning and the ideology of education, it means to lead out of ignorance. In other words, education or knowledge in this sense was light and education brought the person out of the dark. The purpose and ideology of education is therefore to bring out the potential of a person and pass on knowledge What is the purpose of education? If one really looks at it, everyone would consider education has having different purposes. This denotes that the question of educational purpose is actually seen quite difficult to self. This is because the purpose or purposes of education is entirely dependent on personal beliefs and values (Biesta 40) therefore, there is a dichotomous depiction of views about education where different schools of thought come and intersect. In simple terms, this means that every person has a different aim or a different goal in life. They want to learn different things to satisfy what they consider the most important. A person who is passionate about music would like to learn the different instruments. Similarly, a person who is involved in science would want to seek tfor scientific knowledge. In both the aforementioned instances, both the people are getting educated but in different disciplines. Even though their procedure is the same, their purpose is still... ... middle of paper ... ...009): 33--46. Print. Bradley, Keith. "The sentimental education of the Roman child: the role of pet-keeping." Latomus, (1998): 523--557. Print. Colardyn, Danielle and Jens Bjornavold. "Validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning: policy and practices in EU Member States1." European journal of education, 39. 1 (2004): 69--89. Print. Fischman, Wendy, Jennifer A Dibara and Howard Gardner. "Creating good education against the odds."Cambridge Journal of Education, 36. 3 (2006): 383--398. Print. Giroux, Henry A. Ideology, culture & the process of schooling. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981. Print. Ross, K. "Translator‟s introduction." The ignorant schoolmaster: Five lessons in intellectual emancipation. By Rancière,, J. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014. pp. vii-xxiii. Print. Yero, Judith Lloyd. The Meaning of Education. 2002. E-book.

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