Chapel Hill High School

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What is a school? “A school is a place where instruction is given, to individuals under college age or of college age (21 +).” (School, 2014). Who are teachers, teachers are leaders of their own individual classroom whom acquire knowledge from an institute to teach. Who are students, students are individuals who attend a school to obtain knowledge of the world surrounding them enhancing themselves of basic skills such as reading, mathematics, science, and history. So what is a School Improvement Plan? A School Improvement Plan is a plan for schools to ensure that their students are achieving, whether that being supplementary activities, additional minority in upper level courses, or even accessing more parental involvement to overall provide for better schooling. Over the course of this class we were required to read, “Foundations of Education”. Which has shed light on the knowledge of how schools are ran, and some of the obstacles that are presented in the midst of daily operations. With that being said some chapters from the book are represented in the Student Improvement Plan of Chapel Hill High School. The chapters of the book are listed as followed. Chapter 1 Motivation, Preparation, and Conditions for the Entering Teacher, Chapter 3 Global Origins of American Education, Chapter 4 Pioneers of Teaching and Learning, Chapter 6 Philosophical Roots of Education, Chapter 7 Governing and Administering Public Education, and Chapter 12 Providing Equal Educational Opportunity also Chapter 13 The Changing Purposes of American Education. Chapel Hill High School is a school that’s providing “The Chapel Hill High School Mission is to provide a learning environment in which every student will experience success, achieve his or her fullest... ... middle of paper ... Ornstein, A.C. & Levine, D.U. Foundations of Education. 12th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Chapel Hill High School Student Improvement Plan. (November, 2013 and December, 2013). Student Improvement Plan. Retrieved from NC General Statutes. School-Based Management. Retrieved April 12,2014 from The World Bank,,contentMDK:20833367~menuPK:2448377~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:282386,00.html Graduation Requirements. Chapel Hill High School.

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