School Persuasive Essay

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Albert Einstein once said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that is it stupid.” Sir Ken Robinson stated that schools are destroying children 's creativity with their curriculum, there are many facts that support this idea. Students are required to think a specific way, prepare the way teachers want them to be prepared. Students also have their own opinion, because they are not afraid to be wrong, and need a way to move forward.
Sir Ken Robinson stated students are required to think in the way an educator thinks. This morfs those students into what that educator thinks that student should be, even if that is not what the student wants to become. School systems drive students to focus on math, science and other core classes, and tend to lean students away from performing art class that they comprehend as useless. Most school systems make core class credits more weighted than elective classes. So to …show more content…

They may also feel lost due to the fact that they were never allowed to branch out and find their passions. School are constricting students from learning their true potential in other academic class, such as art, band, physical education. Given the chance, children have the possibly to do great things in their chosen profession if they had only been exposed to the potential capability of a specific field earlier in life. Learning a capability at a young age can give a student the boost they need to be successful in the workforce. Children are able to learn these capabilities young because they are not afraid to try new things even if they end up being

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