Personal Narrative: My Trip To Churchill Middle School

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On my trip to Churchill Middle School I was paired with a sixth grader named Finley Kane. Finley takes eight classes every day and it placed in Accelerated English and Accelerated Math. These classes are more advanced classes for the students that are ahead of the rest of the grade.
To begin the day, we attended a class called Advisory. Advisory is like what other schools would call Study Hall or Homeroom. After Advisory we had Industrial Arts. Industrial Arts is a woodshop type class where the teacher usually teaches them how to use tools and styles. Soon after Industrial Arts we had Physical Education. During PE, the students were finishing up a volleyball tournament that they had started earlier that week. Finley’s team won 1st place out of the entire tournament and got to get dressed before the rest of the teams. Next was Accelerated Reading, and in Accelerated Reading the students had a …show more content…

In every class I attended I noticed that teachers were treating all students the same but, they should have known that certain students would struggle. In the Social Studies class the teacher reprimanded a student of color, for not having a pencil, when that teacher should have had some understanding of that child’s economic status. I understand that it’s a lesson to be taught about being mindful of what you have but she didn’t make it quiet when she told the student “Stop! Bring me back that pencil. Why are you taking my pencil? Where is yours? Well if you can’t afford more pencils maybe you take better care of the ones you have? I’ll need it back by the end of class.” That conversation wasn’t public in front of the entire class but, it was during homework when everyone was quiet. That teacher should have known for being his teacher for at least four months that his family struggled financially and to pull him aside and make the conversation more private or to take it into the

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