Personal Narrative: My Short Term Goals

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Throughout my life I have constantly faced challenges and set reasonable goals. Many of the goals I’ve set are short term and require multiple steps to achieve. One of those personal goals is to finish out the senior school year by taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible. As new chances come along throughout the school year, whether they be educational or extracurricular, my ultimate goal is to participate in as many of those activities as I can. My educational short term goal consists of the college process. The plan is to graduate high school with all the required forms and applications needed for college. All of these preparations have been inspired by the hope of a bright future and the idea that college will be much …show more content…

Many of these long term intentions involve a well workout out solution to a present problem. Working on the farm this summer to pay for college is one of my long term targets. Setting money aside for college takes time, dedication, and plans for the long future. Once I have started college, my hope is to finish out my education all four years and enter into the MeCop Engineering program offered by Oregon State University. My cousin Riley has been one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever met. It’s through him that I have the attitude to accomplish these long missions set before me. He has taught me to always give my 110 percent in everything I do, and to work hard to obtain my dreams.
From the help of my teachers, family, and friends I have taken many of the necessary steps in completing my long and short term objectives. Because I have chosen to take hard classes in high school and get involved in numerous activities, I already have credit for many college classes. Another way that I am clearly prepared to achieve these goals set ahead of me is through the organization and responsibility of keeping up with my grades and getting college applications in on time. Ultimately, every educational and personal step in the right direction has been beneficial in finishing the goals I have set and preparing me for what lies

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