Personal Narrative: My Mother

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Inspiration can come from many sources, when we are young we often looked to celebrities, athletes, or any sort of hero to help push us towards the goals we set; for myself it was my mother that inspired me to want to become a leader and pursue everything that leadership had to offer. Growing up living with a single mother had its normal difficulties and it had its not so common ones, by the time I was ten my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and after a six-year battle she was beaten cancer and declared cancer free. From the time she was diagnosed to today, she never let her diagnosis stop her from being a leader in our community in one way or another. After treatments she volunteered the precious few hours she did have to listen and offer support others undergoing treatment; she helped form the Breast in the Rockies Dragon boat team, which brought together survivors to share stories of success and build friendships; and most recently when she retired, she dedicated her now free time to founding, organizing and working in a free dental clinic for those less fortunate. Watching my mother over these years taught me …show more content…

By demonstrating that even in tough times that with hard work, commitment and determination anything can be accomplished no matter how difficult the challenge may seem. While I am still at the beginning of my leadership journey, knowing that by following in my mother’s footsteps, others will also be inspired from the work that is being. With the leadership responsibilities that I have earned up to this point in my life, I have always made sure, that any barrier which is to be broken down, problem to be solved or situation being handled is done for the greater good and with smile and a calm demeanor, so that I can truly lead as my mother did within her life and

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