Personal Narrative: My Average In A Class

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It was on a Friday morning I was on my way to school. I needed to know what my averages for my classes, so I went to all my classes except to my theater. They had all told me I had a 90 and higher in their class. I was so proud of myself that I had good grades in all my classes. Well I still wasn’t sure about my theater one because I could do anything except get on a stage and perform. That was one of my weakness that I knew I couldn’t do. When I got there I saw my teacher, so I went to talk to her. Hey Ms.Wilborn what is my average in your class? “Marilyn you have an 80 in my class.” Ms.Wilborn is there a chance you can give me make up work, because I don’t like the grade I am averaging in your class “Sure but Marilyn you’re doing great

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