Personal Narrative: My Weakest Quantitative Literacy

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I believe that my confidence in mathematics is my weakest Quantitative Literacy elements. I struggle a great deal with being confident in my abilities to remember and perform everyday math problems. I feel a lot of math anxiety when I am around other people because I feel like I am not fast at doing simple or complex math problems that other people can do relatively quickly. Math has been the only subject that I have ever scored below average in but I was always able to cover my lacking ability in the subject because I scored way above average in my other subjects. I struggle with remembering the exact methods to use and the different formulas as the course proceeds and remembering them long-term. Math is not an "ordinary language" to me, it is quite the opposite. …show more content…

I do not feel nervous when a math problem may be on a test, but I feel as though if it is a complex problem I will most likely get it wrong. Throughout school I have always been able know that I would pass my math exams and tests as long as I studied the material that was on the test. So, I never worried about my grade in my math classes which lead me to not remembering the material after the test. I do not have a good estimation on the costs of everyday expenses, so this makes it difficult for me to figure out costs in my head or have a clear quantity of what I am solving. When I am talking to people or my family and the need to use math occurs I try to avoid having to do the math because it takes me longer to calculate it in my head such as figuring out the sales tax and

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