Parachute Experiment

592 Words2 Pages

Parachute Experiment


My prediction is that as the weight of plastercine increases the time

taken for the parachute to reach the ground will decrease

I think this because when the weight has just been dropped it is going

slowly, but as it falls through the air it will gain speed until it

reaches its terminal velocity. The weight does not change but the A.R

gets bigger until it equals out the downwards force of gravity, so

when the weight is larger it will have to fall further before the

forces equal and it reaches terminal velocity.

A.R is equal to the weight of the falling mass being displaced in 1


What my experiment depends on is how fast the forces can balance. So

using a larger weight will mean it will reach its terminal velocity




Bin liner

4 equal lengths of string

10 one gram weights of plastercine

Stopwatch- to measure the time it takes for the parachute to reach the


Meter ruler- to measure the distance the parachute has fallen

To make it a fair test I repeated the test 3 times and made an average

of my results.


As we had no idea on what size of parachute area, weight of

plastercine or length of string to use we had to do a pre-test, we

tested each variable. We found that the best surface area for the

parachute was half a bin liner. We would use 1-10 grams of plastercine

adding one gram at a time and that a length of 20cm for the string

would allow the parachute to open fully enough but not have it

collapse in on its self also we thought that an excess amount of

string would increase the weight on the parachute.

These are some of the pre-test results:-

Length of string (cm)

Time (s)

Weight (g)





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