The Dumb Farm

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The Dumb Farm

We have all encountered someone dumb in our lives, and most likely, it has been more than one person. Everyday I meet someone who is completely oblivious to what is happening, or someone who speaks out loud before they think about what they are going to say. Yes, at times we all have our dumb moments, but some people live life being dumb. For example, students that raise their hands every five minutes and make obnoxious comments or ask questions that have just been answered. The people who, during every passing period, abruptly stop in the middle of a crowded hallway and talk with six of their friends right in front of the door. People who go up to the most crowded, most popular movie theatre in town and try to pay with a credit card when they know the theatre has accepted only cash for the last four years, then try to tell the ticket seller they paid with a credit card last time. Lunch ladies who are incapable of calculating five dollars minus one dollar, or, who quite frankly cannot count at all. People who get on your every last nerve all the time, and are to dumb to notice. These are all examples of people who are dumb, and the sad part: we have to live with people like this every day.

The good news is that I have come up with a solution. First, a test is taken once every year to determine exactly how dumb you are. The test will measure common sense, social skills, and overall knowledge. A failing grade in any one of these categories will result in the second part of the solution: departure. A desolate spot in the world will be reserved for test failures, for now we will refer to this place as the dumb farm. Anyway, this is where they will live forever so they can breed with people equally dumb as themselves. This way, a smart person will not have the opportunity to breed with someone dumb and the chances of having dumb children in our world will lessen.

The dumb farm will be exactly like our civilization, except that the dumb people will run it. They will have the jobs, they will make the rules, and maybe some smart people could help them get started. Schools wouldn't work because no one would be qualified to teach, but realistically, there was probably no hope for these children

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