Dbq Essay On Strong Citizens

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“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” This is quoted by Winston

describing citizenship, its importance in his point of view. So what is considered a strong and

dependable citizen? There are many different perspectives on a good citizen. Do we need strong

citizens or do we need dependable citizens, what type of citizens do we need for a strong

Democracy? There are three types of citizens. A citizen is a legal recognized subject who they

are native or naturalized. Three types are personally responsible, Participatory, and Justice

oriented citizens. A personally responsible citizen is one that works, obeys laws, pays taxes, and

donates money or time. A Participatory is very similar to the first one …show more content…

Having outspoken ideas and opinions to

grow our democracy or to opinionated it to no agreement? They are worried about social justice

and they make sure people are not treated unfairly in their society and in their communities and
Walton 3

they also wonder how they can make the place they live in a better place for everybody to live

in.(Doc C)
The three types of Citizenships are what form the community. Each type of citizenship is

important and helps with different types of areas in the community. If we were to go to the moon

and set a lunar colony I believe we should have 600 personally responsible, 200 participatory, and

200 justice oriented citizens. The reason for this is because if we have citizens that help the other

two citizens and help run what they are doing then we should more of that on citizen. They are all

equally important because the personally responsible, participatory, and justice oriented

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