Nursing Leadership Philosophy

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I believe that leadership is not something that you are born with, but that has to be learned over time. You learn to become a leader from watching other leaders, and also from personal experience. People should become leaders; so that they can help others do their best. They should not become leaders for the title and power that may come with leadership. Being a leader does not mean you get to boss people around by telling them what to do. The purpose of a leader is to guide others by encouraging, showing them the way, and by challenging them to do the best that they can do. I learned leadership through personal experience. In high school I played sports and had many class projects to do. My senior year was the first time my school had a soccer program, and I along with two other girls was captains. As we all know, when a group of girls come together, the drama comes too. All three of the captains had to work together and show the girls that if we wanted this program to be a success and grow, they had to work together as well. It was hard at first, but when we encouraged everyone, it worked out better than expected in the end. Also, in my business class, we had a lot of projects that were mostly group projects. During the end of the year, we had a project where we had to make up a new product. My partner and I were both seniors and it was a stressful time with finals, SAT scores, graduation, and trying to become honor graduates. We were tired and just did not want to do another project, but our teacher, Mr. Brace, did not give up on us. He showed us what to do, and encouraged us constantly every day. He would tell us many positive things and would check up on us. He was a great teacher and a great leader. Leadership may be one wo...

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... this semester and after writing this paper, I have found out a few things about myself. I found out that I am very dedicated on the things that I do. I also really enjoy helping others and being happy. I think that becoming a nurse is what I need to do. I may not talk a lot but I talk with my actions and my actions will show that this is the right job for me.
I believe that leadership was put in place to help othes to do their best
I Love God and my family
I encourage others to stay loyal toGod and their loved ones
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends that have helped me
I want others to have self-respect and to LOVE themselves for who they are

Work Cited
DeGrandpre, Zora. "How to Become a Travel Nurse." Careers.,
n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.

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