Annotated Bibliography Of Leadership In Nursing

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Annotated Bibliography 1.Casida, J., & Parker, J. (2011). Staff nurse perceptions of nurse manager leadership styles and outcomes. Journal Of Nursing Management, 19(4), 478-486. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01252.x Casida is an assistant professor at the Adult Health College of Nursing at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. Parker is an acute care nurse practitioner in the emergency department in Oakwood Healthcare System in Dearborn, MI. The authors in this article aimed to discover nurse manager leadership styles and their outcomes. Nurses from hospitals in the Northeastern part of the United States were asked questions. The data was collected in a locked room, alone, so no one would influence the answers of someone else. The results were put into a software program and displayed for analysis. Results showed when choosing a nurse for a managerial leadership role, one should choose someone if they have the basic components of transformational leadership, not transactional leadership. The authors show that transformational leadership had revealed positive patient outcomes, retention, and satisfaction in the nursing staff. Those nurse leaders who have qualities of transformational leadership are encouraged to build on those skills constantly. 2. …show more content…

Wieck, K. L., Dols, Jean, RN, PhD,N.E.A.-B.C., F.A.C.H.E., & Landrum, Peggy,R.N., PhD. (2010). Retention priorities for the intergenerational nurse workforce. Nursing Forum, 45(1), 7-17. Retrieved from K. Lynn Wieck, RN, PhD, FAAN, is the Jacqueline M. Braithwaite Professor, College of Nursing, The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX, and CEO, Management Solutions for Healthcare, Houston, TX; Jean Dois, RN, PhD, NEA-BC, FACHE, is the System Director for Quality and Nursing, CHRISTUS Health System, Houston, TX; and Peggy Landrum, RN, PhD, is Clinical Professor, College of Nursing, Texas Woman 's University, Houston,

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