Nursing Leadership Styles

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Giltinane (2013) identifies three leadership styles. The first is transactional leadership in which a leader is controlling and functions in a reward and punishment environment. In transactional leadership style, leaders give little room for employees to express ingenuity. Decisions are passed laterally from top down and the form of leadership is to stress obedience rather than loyalty. Transactional leadership is closely related to autocratic style (Giltinane, 2013).
The second leadership style is transformation leadership in which the leader will employ any tactic to engage the employee fully in the task and achieve the common goal. Transformation leaders according to Giltinane (2013) have charisma thus possess the ability to influence their followers and build loyalty. Transformation leaders express their vision, expectation and goal clearly to their subordinates and empower employees to take ownership of the task.
The third type of leadership style is described as situational leadership. Situational leaders assess the environment and the readiness of the employee before assigning a task (Giltinane, 2013, Grimm, 2010). Situational leaders provide direction and support based on the need at the time. Thus if an employee needs more direction than others, situational leader is able to identify the employees need and provide support accordingly. According to Giltinane (2013) situational leaders relationship with their subordinates and provide guidance and direction as needed.
In nursing leadership style is supported by nursing theorists such as Ida Orlando’s model for nursing practice (Laurent & Laurent, 2000). Orlando’s leadership theory asserts that nurses are by profession managers. Initially nurses learn to manage pati...

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