Notational Analysis of Netball

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Notational Analysis of Netball

Notational analysis is the system used to record events and procedures

that occur whilst a game of sport is commencing. It can be used for

data collection in order to update player’s stats. It can also be used

to determine weak points in a team or players game. This way the coach

and player can both review the analysis after the game and determine

what needs to be worked on in training. It can be very useful as areas

of opposing players and teams can be highlighted to use in forthcoming


The original method of notational analysis was Subjective

observations. This is when the coach watches the game and remembers

certain aspects of the game. Usually plays leading to a successful

performance. This however isn’t a very good way of recording

performances as memories can be misleading and different people tend

to remember different stories so there could be confrontations in the

analysis of the game.

This type of notation can also prohibit the players from improving on

their game and skills as the feedback will more than likely be

imprecise therefore the coaching sessions will be focusing on things

that are not in need of correction.

Notational analysis aids players as the information that is being

feedback is correct therefore corrections can be made to the players

or the team. The notation can pinpoint areas or players that are under

achieving, at half time changes can be made to improve the overall

performance leading to a successful game or even a victory.

Analysis of a game can also be used in order to keep players safe. If

they are recorded as carrying out a movement incorrectly then it could

lead to an injury no matter how serious, this could then lead to the

player missing the next competition. This refers to all athletes in

all sports.

If a single player in a team is being analysed then technical analysis

will come into the picture. This is where the notations that are being

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