Health & Safety in Sport

1198 Words3 Pages

Legislation means the act of producing laws for governing bodies.

A directive is a final decision made by an official body which either has or has not a binding force.

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974’s purpose is to make sure that employers take reasonable steps to ensure the full health, safety and wellbeing of their employees while they are at work. These steps include:

• Reviewing your current health and safety system

• Identifying potential hazards in the working place

• Deciding on who might be harmed and how

• Evaluating risks and deciding on precautions

• Implementing on them

The benefits of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 both to employer and employees include:

• There are likely to be less accidents and incidents at work

• There are reduced rates of risks

• Lower employee absence rates

• Less threats from legal action

• Better reputation for the company

There are three factors that can affect the health and safety in a workplace

Inadequate training – part of this protection involves providing you with the correct training for your job role. Employers are responsible to provide training for their employees to allow them perform their role in a safe and effective manner. If you do not receive proper training regarding your role it can result a workplace accident leading to minor injury or even, in some cases, major injuries.

Inadequate supervision – young persons are more vulnerable to injuries than adults so it is important to provide adequate supervision while they are introduced to the company or industry to prevent minor or major injuries.

Poor maintenance of facilities/equipment – this is a major factor that contributes to accidents in the workplace. If the work place is not pr...

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The purpose for the existence of regulatory bodies is to accomplish national standards for qualification and to make sure there is consistent compliance with them.

The organization that is currently in charge of the health and safety regulation in the UK is called HSE (Health and Safety Executive). The other regulatory bodies for sport in the UK are usually the Local Authorities and National Governing Bodies (NGBs) for sports.

A list of some regulatory bodies that would work in London are:

Human Tissue Authority

CEBS Secretariat Ltd

Quoted Companies Alliance

Staffs from these regulatory bodies are responsible for inspecting and licensing companies and organizations.

The role of the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority involves inspecting and issuing licenses to providers that assure the safety for their participants and employees.

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