Legislation and ICT

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Legislation and ICT

The Health and Safety Act of 1974 was set up as a means to protect

employees, the public, management and stop safety hazards at work.

This is achieved by enforcing strict guide lines that all it may

affect must abide by. Failure to do so can result in punishment and


The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1989 makes it illegal to copy

or steal software in order to protect the designer’s prophets. This is

done by placing a © symbol on all products protected by this act.

Breaking this can result in legal action and possible imprisonment.

The Data Protection Act of 1998 was developed to give protection and

lay down rules about how data about people can be used for example

criminal records and other such information. Breach of this act has

serious consequences and can again result in imprisonment.

The Computer Misuse Act 1990 stops the misuse of computers and

communications systems for example: Hacking, Data misuse and

unauthorised transfer or copying, Email and chat room abuses,

Pornography and Viruses. Obviously this act is computer based so it is

enforced by means of blocking and monitoring certain websites for

breaches of the act. Doing so can result in a fine or imprisonment.

How each Act protects each group


Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1989

Data Protection Act 1998

Computer Misuse Act 1990

The student-You and your web site

Prolonged periods looking at computer screen. This may cause damage to

the eye and the act advises ten minute breaks are taken every hour

when using a computer

Copying logos of websites which is forbidden by this act to protect

the creator’s profits.

Entering E-mail addresses on website which is breach of the act as

offensive mail may be sent to the address unbeknown to the owner

Due to the schools security system and policy this law was unable to

be breached

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