What Is The Relationship Between Human Resources Development And Human Resource Development

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Introduction This essay discusses the relationship existing between Human resources management and human resources development. Furthermore it explains about learning, change and quality management; and the process in which organisational change can be tackled through learning and development. Also, the terms Learning & development and Human resource development is been used interchangeably. Human resources management (HRM) and Human resources development (HRD) Ever since the origin of the concept of HRM, it is known to have taken care of the basic and administrative personnel management activities in an organisation. However, in this Modern era it involves in more than just recruitment and staffing, it is further relevant to the Employee relations, …show more content…

Later came the industrial revolution, when training gained popularity and became the key feature of the organisations (Clark, 1999). Though training has ceased to exist throughout the human history, The term training has been defined as “A planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behaviour through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. Its purpose, in the work situation, is to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current and future needs of the organization” (Manpower Services Commission, 1981). Human resources development is often mistaken to be similar as human resource management (Wilson, 2005). In my opinion they are distinct from each other yet interconnected. We can firmly state that HRM and HRD co-exist in an organisation, but not all organisations have a fully functioning HRD department , a majority of small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) operate a HRM department that performs the HRD function. In addition, the large organisations have their

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