David Millan Interview Essay

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Interview by David Millan
(Not sure if this is allowed but as I couldn’t get the interview I had planned, I took an existing one but gave them credits for it)

Pilar is a Mexican girl who has traveled with the help of scholarships, volunteer projects, and other opportunities. She has studied in five different countries, volunteered in India and The Netherlands, and worked on developing humanitarian projects in Africa.
Pilar's Advice
To win a scholarship
Organizations award students who demonstrate their achievements on their trajectory and prove that they will make the most of the scholarship, as well as contribute to society. When I was in high school and college I sought to have very good grades, to belong to clubs, and to do many extracurricular activities. I combined this with experiences abroad, I volunteered in …show more content…

various plans (A, B, C, D, etc)
3. constant motivation
By "a reachable goal" I mean knowing ourselves, our strengths, and weaknesses; keep in mind that to reach our goals we will have to work and improve ourselves. We must search which are the different ways to reach out goal and have several programs that we can apply to.

Shaping Teens Futures
Through volunteering, teens continue to educate themselves outside the classroom on the real world. It allows teens to learn about themselves and the difficulties faced by the people around them while still preparing for the future and adding to their resume.

Community service can help you for career building in the following ways:
Gain practical skills and experience. It can develop your problem-solving and organizational skills, your ability to multitask and work well under pressure.
Explore possible career tracks. It’s a risk-free way to explore the field your interested in or new ones you could develop a passion for.
Build a strong networking base. Meeting new people can be an advantage as they could make great mentors, give you career insight, or even be willing to write recommendation

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