My Passion with Fashion

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Anybody that knows me knows that my passion and goals in life have to deal with fashion. If I could be anything in this world I would love to be a designer of some sort or at least be in the industry. When it comes to clothing and style it just comes easy one of the easiest things I’m good at. Fashion is an art form it allows you to express your view on style anyway you choose. And to me I feel like nobody has the right to judge that. Style hasn’t always come easy to be though just like everything else it takes time and practice it’s still a work in progress. When I look back to my middle school and early high school years I wonder deeply about my choices, middle school had to have been the worst. I was going through a colored jeans faze, I would wear bright yellow, honey mustard yellow, sky blue, purple, and pink. If somebody were to name a color I probably had jeans that color. It gets worse though because I would have the worst possible combination choice of shoes to go along with a matching bead necklace and bracelet set, followed by a grey or navy blue uniform shirt. It’s clear I had no idea what I was doing the best part is I was being myself and that’s all that matters. No matter how much I think my style has grown I’m only human and will look back and probably wonder why I wore the outfit I’m wearing sitting here writing this essay. When it comes to fashion its key to make it your own style, nobody is forced to shop off the manikin its just there to guide in some sort of direction to start the shopper off somewhere. No two people on this earth are the same therefore personality is key and your clothes flaunt that. The way one chooses to dress is how they want the world to see them. A person has to know when it is the righ... ... middle of paper ... ... good especially when on a hundred dollar budget and eighty dollars was spent on an unmentionable, and then I find something I’ve been looking for only to find out I could no longer afford it. Deal hunting is always welcomed in the fashion world it’s like cheating the system and we all know haw that old saying goes. “If you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying.” When it comes to style though in all honesty being you is the best choice of all. No matter how slamming those thousand dollar shoes are if you aren’t comfortable and true to one self then what are you doing. No two people are alike and creativity is key in this small place we call the world. I promise you’ll stick out more when you’re wearing what you are because the glow of confidence will radiate out like a leprechauns gold pot. My style isn’t always translated by others but it is respected for being unique.

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