The Importance Of Personal Style

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We all know them: those amazing women who manage to look great all the time. How do they do it? Personal style starts with the right attitude, requires some discipline, and ends up being easier than it looks at first. Maybe it’s a frazzled day, a humid day, the day after an all-nighter, a nothing kind of day, a casual Friday. No matter what kind of day presents itself, some women spend it looking effortlessly pulled together. So chic, so serene, so fabulous. What have they got that the rest of us don’t, and can we have some, please? It begins with a particular attitude. These constantly chic women don’t wake up and think, Today I’ll just throw something on. They treat every day as an opportunity to express themselves, maximizing what’s attractive and minimizing what’s marginal about their bodies. They know that what you wear is one of the few things in this life you can control, and that if you wear something that looks terrific, you’ll feel terrific too. Want to be one of these women? 1. Review your closet. Be brutal. Charge right in there and weed out the ill-fitting, outdated, pilled, stained, stretched, wrong-colored stuff. If …show more content…

If you’re small, you look overwhelmed. If you’re not so small, you look bigger than you are. No matter your size, the only impression a too-big-in-the-sleeves jacket, shirt or sweater gives is that the item was borrowed from someone more important. Are you 5 foot 4 inches or less? Embrace your petiteness and shop in the petite department, choosing items with stretch and structure. Curvy? Then don’t obliterate your shape under clothes that drop straight from bust to hip. Many an hourglass figure has gone matronly before its time. If you have a waistline of any kind, buy clothes that nip slightly at the waist, or have a tailor take them in for you. Subtle tucks under the arms and at the waist can make even knit sweaters conform to the curves of your

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