My Mentor Report

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My first mentor told me "Make each day your masterpiece". He strengthen me through tragedy and led me to where I am today as an individual. Through those days of despair I felt as though a dark mist shadowed me throughout the days. My story is unique, as it should be for any person that would like to get accepted at a modern university. It starts with myself, back in my middle school days when life was difficult because of the environment. During middle school I was constantly picked on for not giving into to 'peer pressure'. I wanted to play sports and read, while my friends wanted to do the opposite. It got to a point where I didn't attend the middle school, and eventually I was sent a tutor for the time being. I went on to not only be tutored …show more content…

Where I got contacted by Elsa Sze, a Harvard Business School graduate who had just started her company called agoratownhall from the MIT hackathon. She asked me through "Would you like to work for a Harvard based startup", I replied "Of course! Tell me more about your company." Although, spontaneous, she reviewed my resume and saw what I did for 'The Waltham Museum', a museum in my hometown and was impressed. At the Waltham Museum I first served as a volunteer helping the elderly director with tasks such as tour guides, gift shop cashier, moving heavy equipment to prepare for exhibits. Following being a volunteer I was promoted to being the directors assistant, which was a great honor. He retired this year, and my goal is to be director and really make the museum more well known; after all Waltham was 'the tech city' of the late 1800s. Even chalk was invented in Waltham. Going back to my job at agoratownhall, I went to the Innovation Lab at Harvard. On a brisk walk down the path to the doors of the lab, I met with Elsa and we chatted for one hour non-stop and I got a call when I left the building and she said 'When can you start working for

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