Discovering a Hidden Passion Through Community Service

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"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer My life has not always been as bright and promising as it is today; I had no idea where my life was going, or how I would possibly be able to attend college at all. Since I was a child, my self-esteem has always been low, and any time college was brought up, it simply made my confidence drop even further. I never believed I could handle college, and never thought I would even be given the opportunity to attend. It was during my second year of high school that I first heard of the Pruitt Memorial Scholarship. I suddenly felt hope for my future. Hope that I would be able to attend college, and hope that I would be given the chance to fight for my very large dreams. My passion is theatre and my goal is that someday I will be able to teach others about my passion and spread the magic of theatre around the world, but to be able to do that requires lots of education. The Pruitt Memorial Scholarship opened the door for me to pursue this dream. Now, I just had to acquire the scholarship, and that meant performing volunteer community-service. I dreaded every hour, every minute I would have to spend wasting my free time doing this so-called “good deed.” I hated knowing I would be stuck doing busywork for one of the approved agencies. Only one appealed to my interests: the local Community The...

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