My Mentor Research Paper

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Hello, fellow students... Is it just me or has these 4 years passed by really fast? I can’t believe that we’re already 18 or 19 years old, it feels like yesterday was the first day of highschool!

As y’all know, every journey comes with obstacles and my biggest was probably my economic circumstances, I always wanted to go to university and study space. But, unfortunately, as we all already know, you can be the smartest kid in the world, but if you don’t have money you can’t go to post-secondary! My dad would always remind me that I couldn’t afford post-secondary education and would encourage me to just give up, quit school and hit the coal mines. But, all it did was push me to work harder and make something out of my education. Thanks to God and the town’s overwhelming support, I was able to persevere through, and I ended up achieving that goal and received a science scholarship for winning the Science Fair.

My biggest triumph was probably, getting congratulated by my idol Wernher Von Braun at the National Science Fair in Indianapolis. I can’t believe that I met an A-list celebrity in the science community! He is …show more content…

Ms. Riley encouraged me to continue my education and always pushed me to put my best foot forward. Even though, I was struggling in math and science, she saw the hidden potential in me and asked me to join the science fair, so that I could attempt to win a scholarship in the sciences, as she knew that I was very passionate about rockets and space. She was so kind and open-minded. I would’ve hit the coal mines a long time ago, if it weren't for her interest in my education and career pathway. As for Ike Bykovsky, he was always there for me, he provided me parts and his welding services for my early rocket prototypes. He would never ask for anything back and he always offered good advice and reminded me to follow my dreams and to never give up. He was such a helpful good hearted

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