Personal Experience In High School

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As a Elementary kid, there 's no worrying about grades. When you go into high school. It is a different experience. You got more freedom but less lollygagging. My first year of high school I realized there 's no messing around. Do your best in high school and you will succeed. In the next few paragraphs, I will give you reasons to pass. While wanting to pass high school, you should also enjoy high school with fun involved. Joining a after school sport or activity may be one way you will enjoy high school. On Fridays go to the Friday football games with your friends, to cheer on the football team. If football is over, there will be other sports games to go to during the winter like basketball or wrestling. Not a sports person? Hang at the mall or go to the movies. When my friends and I were old enough, we hung at my hunting camp every weekend. One reason you would want to pass because, being in a high school sport or activity, there are consequences to getting to Fs on classroll. If you participate in football , basketball marching band etc. , you will not be allowed to participate in your upcoming game or activity. In my first year of seventh grade, I didn 't know anything about ineligibility. Until my friend got told she had been ineligible to participate in the upcoming game. …show more content…

A senior project consist of four hours of community service, Dale Carnegie or a community project, mock job interviews, and a mock resume. When you start the ninth grade, start your senior project as soon as possible. Don’t wait till the last minute. My whole senior class waited till senior year to do theirs. It just made senior year more stressful. My friend waited till the last month of high school to get his done. Which made him stay out of things. He never got his cap and gown till the day before graduation and we got ours in March. I eventually helped him get it done so he could

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