Municipal Chief Administrative Officer

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“The leadership role of the municipal chief administrative officer” (CAO) is anything but simplistic. This distinctive position has evolved as it relates to a municipal setting. The three types of leading scrutinized are up, down and out. These three terms are precise when describing this complex role. The necessity for strong leadership is required when it comes to politics. Although Council has the authority and power to take action, they tend to have no courage or confidence with same, therefore it is imperative to employ confident and capable senior staff.

“Leading down” is instinctual. Being a leader is supervisory by nature. It encompasses a unique skill set where expectations, including goals are communicated to core staff. With the increased pressures of revenue generation and long term goal achievement, a CAO can deliver strategy advice and investigate potential partnerships and bring forth attainable objectives for Council consideration, with staff input and expertise. …show more content…

It is vital to have one lead role in such a diverse political realm to ensure the complexities of outside sources is managed effectively including consistent messaging. The proactive vs reactive tactic is a necessity to navigate Council/staff and provides clear direction. The CAO should be entrusted by Council to lead and carry out their direction while careful not to micromanage. A CAO should also remain flexible to roll through negotiations and Council's personal agendas and yet remain at arms’ length with all entities. The ability to manage media is crucial through education and engagement by way of meticulous press releases and social media updates. CAO should also ensure they do not lead Council nor have a perceived leadership

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