Management and leadership in the public sector

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Kruse (2013) posits that leadership and management are not synonymous. Thus he defines leadership as, a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal. He contends that leadership stems from social influence and not authority or power; it requires the involvement of others and must include a goal. Therefore, key elements of good leadership include ability to delegate, determine what is doable, and being able to lead by example. These elements provide the framework for purpose, direction and motivation.
In moving others towards a goal, a leader must be able to determine what is doable within the context of conflict and focus attention and resources on achieving it. This was illustrated in the case study Racial Conflict in South Carolina by Governor Riley’s simple act of cutting the grass along the highway so that protestors could march. Despite receiving information on the march, Riley did not attempt to take on the larger and contentious tasks of circumventing the protest, but rather, he focused on what he could do. In the context of the situation, he could ensure the well being of citizens who were participating in the protest and avoid further protest. This act diverted any negative publicity that could have otherwise been caused by injury to protestors, while creating positive image of who he was and his office. Determining what is doable is essential for good leadership especially in moments of crises as it directs others to focus on the larger goal of putting people first.
Good leadership should pay attention to details. While it is impossible to fully understand the outcome of every decision, failure to take note of small elements of a decision can decrease a leader’...

... middle of paper ... sure he was prepared to handle the bulk of the responsibility for the One Church, One Child program. When Coler resigned as director, Johnson was adequately prepared to take over the organization.

Works Cited

Bozeman, B., (1993). A theory of government “Red Tape”. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 3(3), pp. 273-303.
Kruse, K., (2013, April 9). What is leadership? ForbesRetrieved from Mares, J., (2013, May 1). 25 differences between private sector and government managers. The Powermag. Retrieved from Pandey, S. K., Coursey, D. H., Moynihan, D. P., (2007). Organizational effectiveness and bureaucratic red tape. Public Performance & Management Review 30 (3), pp 398-425.

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