Traditional Model to New Public Management

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Traditional public administration is traced back to the works of scholars like Max Weber, Woodrow Wilson and Fredrick Taylor. This form of administration was mostly influenced by Max Weber with his bureaucratic model and theory. Max Weber was a well-known sociologist born in Germany in the year 1864. He came up with his bureaucratic model as a way to trying of improve management in organizations.
‘Weber emphasized on top-down control in the form of monocratic hierarchy that is a system of control in which policy is set at the top and carried out through a series of offices, whereby every manager and employee are to report to one person in top management and held accountable by that manager’ (Pfiffner, 2004, p. 1).
He encouraged that each manager should be accountable for whatever took place in their office and that all should have one superior whom they reported to. Organizations had a system of rules and regulations which they had to abide by for as long as they were in those organizations. Employees when they joined organizations they were oriented of how they should behave in the organization and what was expected of them.
Woodrow Wilson established the theory of the politics-administration dichotomy. His argument was that there should be separation between politics and public administration. He did not want administrationto beinfluenced by political interest instead of operating in the interest of the people in a country.
‘The doctrine of dichotomy implied that the politicians and their direct appointees have the right to make policy decisions for the polity but it is the duty of the bureaucrats to carry those policies in good faith’ (Pfiffner, 2004, p. 2).
Wilson advocated for politicians to deal with the duty of policy...

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