Importance Of Bureaucratic Control

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Recent years have seen bureaucratic control changed thought rising of technology. In this essay, it provided a comprehensive definition about the bureaucratic control. It described the structure, rule and procedure on this control, and simply presents some of common forms in bureaucratic control. Meanwhile, it pointed out some drawback which existed in this control. Then, it described how bureaucratic control changed by new technology. That change can be helpful and also can be harmful for bureaucratism, then mainly discussed why and how it changes by several aspects and provided evidence to support this argument. At the end, it summarized all view points have been discussed in this essay.

Bureaucratic control is introduced by Max Weber, he represented bureaucracy is a systemic rationality and it is the most technically efficient and rational form of organisation. Manager control employee form the top to down, the structure of hierarchical authority is like a pyramid. It was described as a control of organization and the individual that make up the organization through formalized constitutions, standardized rules, regulation and established authority. Moreover, it has the scientific structure of division of labour, professionalization and stratification. This control is widely used in the large organization and government. There are three kinds of common forms in the bureaucratic control which are budget control, finical control and internal control. It estimated the expected income in the future which helped management make the best of resources what company have. This control can be used for management track value of commodity and service flow in and flow out. Bureaucratic control is the fundamental to...

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